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Puberty starts at different times for different people. At 16 you should have started but don't worry you can get hormone treatment if you visit your doctor. He will probably be happy to wait a little longer though.

If you have signs of Pubic hair near your genitals then you have begun puberty.

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15y ago
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15y ago


you have to cut off your penis, bake it, eat it, and grow another one and it will become a vagina.


cheers, `bryan. no.

you have to cut off your penis, bake it, eat it, and grow another one and it will become a vagina.


cheers, `bryan.

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14y ago

Don't worry about being "NORMAL". The deffinition of normal is fraudulent anyways. Everyone is "different"/ not "normal" in their own ways.

Don't worry about going through puberty slower than the other boys. The only benefit of puberty is the deeper voice.

Seriously, hairy balls IS NOT A BENEFIT.

Having FACIAL HAIR is NOT A BENEFIT. You quickly learn its not as cool as its made out to be. It doesn't make you tougher, it just makes your face look less clean.

Having a HAIRLESS face is GREAT.... I would be thankful for the extra year or two you've experienced of not going through puberty.

Another thing about puberty......You WILL have WETT dreams. You'll start messing your shorts during sleep. This is NOT COOL. Having sticky boxers/ underwear is really not something one would want to look forward to.

Getting sudden "boners" out of NO WHERE is also not something I enjoyed during the age of puberty. I remember being in a church service, and out of no where I got the SEARS TOWER in my pants. This was really embarrassing, as I have a strong feeling someone must have noticed. I wasn't thinking of ANYTHING at all sexual.

Puberty wil come, it does for everyone. Until it does, be grateful for waking up without sticking to your underwear. ...........I suppose it is possible you could still be a bedwetter, as it is a statistic that 1 in 50 teens still wet the if that's the case, then I'm sorry, but you have another WET to look forward to.

I personally had a couple accidents as a teenager, and luckily for me they were few and far between. These do not include the Puberty bed "jizzing".

Hope this answers the question.

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For males, from the age 13-16 you will be starting puberty

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everyones different it just depend on your genetics and your penis

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It varies between the age of 10-16 or17

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no he will not and he is a 16 year old that has not hit puberty

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No. Puberty happens around the ages of 8-16. This really just depends upon the person. Most people have hit puberty by about 12 though.

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any time from 12-16

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it doesn't always. Sometimes it can happen at as early as 10 or as late as 16.

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it is when a boy of the age between 10-14 and girl 11-16 hit puberty

Im 16 that means tha you should be in puberty?

Well, you can still be experiencing puberty! There are people who are late bloomers and that's just fine, you can ask your parents when they hit puberty and you may be the same as them. :)

Will briggsy ever hit puberty?

Everyone hits puberty . Some hit it late, some are early. So, yes he will hit puberty.

How much milk should I drink per day because I am 16 and I haven't hit puberty?

Milk won't speed up puberty. Exercising on the other hand will!