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Those a baby squirrels.

They are born blind and pretty well naked and looking a lot like baby rats until their fur grows in.

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Q: You had a squirrel build a nest then now see babies that look like rats tail is not bushy are these squirrels or have rats taken over in 2 weeks?
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What has a long body and bushy tail but not a squirrel?

The numbat is a small, squirrel-sized marsupial of Australia. It is not related to squirrels at all, as Australia does not have squirrels. It feeds exclusively on termites. A strikingly attractive animal, it does have a bushy tail, though not as bushy as a squirrel's. It is unique in the way it holds its tail straight up when it is moving. See the related link below for a picture.

What animals have bushy tails?

squirrels, skunks, certain dogs,etc. have long bushy tails. this is mainly for grip on trees and protection from diseases an other problems.

How do you spell squirrl?

The correct spelling of the plural noun is squirrels.

What words describe a squirrel?

Squirrels are...intellegentgrayrednativesneakyfastwildagilecautiousactiveThey enjoy...climbingrunningacorns

Is chowder cartoon character a squirrel?

No. Squirrels have buck teeth. Chowder has a cute little fang. He also doesn't have a bushy tail.

Does the squirrel tail get less bushy as they age?

Yes, however, squirrels usually bathe their own tails, therefore giving the tail is original volume back.

What if a squirrel doesn't have a bushy tail?

it would not matter the chinchila is a type of squirrel without a bushy tail it would survive

Why are squirrel tails so bushy and twitchy?

their tails are bushy becauese of their weight.

How bushy is a red squirrels tail?


What is the small animal with bushy tail called?

A Squirrel.

A bushy-tailed animal that usually lives in trees?

Squirrels are bushy-tailed animals that usually live in trees.

How do you spell squirlle?

The correct spelling of the noun is "squirrel" (bushy-tailed rodent).