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Generally, homestead exemption applies to your primary residence. You need to check the laws in your particular state.

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Q: You had two parcels of land with a home on each one one was homesteaded for taxes and you were told that since they were next to each other they both were covered under homestead and could not be seis?
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Why would you waive your right of homestead?

You would waive your right of homestead if you want to refinance your home. A bank will not loan money on property that is subject to a right of homestead. It could not foreclose if there was a default and a homestead was in effect. The boilerplate language in mortgages contains a clause that the signer is waiving rights of homestead in the property.

During the homestead act could women secure land grant?

THE HOMESTEAD ACT!Women can secure land. I promise. 100 percent.

What did homestead strike show?

That government usually sided with business owners

What happen at homestead?

Well it all depends. A homestead is the land and or buildings owned by a family. So if we're talking about pioneers, they would have homesteads in the olden days. Any old homestead today could be any home! Your house, my house, every place that is owned by a family or person is a homestead.

What could settlers claim under the homestead act?

160 acres of land

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Made farm land and made a homestead anywhere they could live.

What are two positive results of the Homestead Act?

Two positive results for the Homestead Act are that you got 160 acres for free and that you could get money by farming on that land or by mining on the land.

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There are many ways in which one could order chocolate covered strawberries. One could check websites such as Pro Flowers for the delivery of chocolate covered strawberries.

What is Parent parcel?

A parent parcel is a large parcel of land from which smaller parcels have been subdivided. For example a one acre parcel that has been subdivided into four one-quarter acre parcels. It could also refer to a ten acre parcel from which a two acre parcel has been conveyed.

How did the homestead act prompt a lot of people to head westward?

homestead act was giving away land in the west for little to no money so it encourged people to head west

Have homestead exemption am a widow where do you apply for widow benefit for homestead exemption?

You should call your town offices and ask to speak with the assessor's office. You could also check online for your town or county official website where the information will also be listed.

What is life like on a covered wagon?

Life on a covered wagon was difficult. Dust covered the wagons from traveling on dirt roads. Life on the covered wagon could also be dangerous.