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Why are there two orders? Which was filed first? Where do the children live?

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Q: You were given custody of your child in Wisconsin your case was never transfered to Michigan and in Michigan the father and you have joint custody what one is actually legal?
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Two parents unwed have a child no custody agreement reside in Michigan the mother took off to Florida to visit won't let the child come bak to Michigan where does custody agreement reside?

Michigan has adopted the UCCJEA. What you're asking is, which State should have jurisdiction over custody. The answer is, and will always be Michigan. Decker v. Lyle (2003).

Do your parents have custody over you if you are 18 and still in Michigan high school?

Technically your parents will always have custody over you. But if you are a citizen then not really.

What are the child custody laws in the state of Michigan?

Custody in Michigan must be established either through divorce, family support case or paternity case. Once established you can file a petition to change the order or have it inforced.

Who has legal custody of a minor child when parents have never married in Michigan?

The mother is presumed to have custody unless there is a court order saying otherwise.

Would a mother have have full custody if her and her son's father were never married in Michigan?

Sole Custody until ruled on otherwise. The Glass Ceiling for fathers.

Will they extradite a person for a contempt child custody case from Florida to Wisconsin?

No, as it's considered a civil issue.

What is the legal age a child can make their own decisions on custody rights in Wisconsin?

When they are 18 years old.

How can my sister in Florida give temporary child custody to me in Michigan?

She needs the permission of the father and/or the court.

If a mom gives permission but the dad doesn't can a child move out in Michigan?

If you mother has full custody, then yes. If both parents have custody, then no. If you are not emancipated, you cannot own property.

If I am 14 and live with my dad is it possible to move in with my mom in Michigan?

Who has custody? The court has made a ruling as to who has custody, without a court order or the agreement of both parents, it will stand as is.

You signed over custody and placement of your daughter she wants to communicate with you Can her father not allow this Wisconsin?

Not if custody is the only issue, but he's not obligated if there's no court order clarifying contact. See links

How does temporary custody get set up during a divorce in Michigan?

Ordinarily, a trial court will enter "temporary orders" for custody, visitation, and child support, while the divorce is pending.