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More likely that you were ovulating. A lot of when spot during ovulation and ovulation usually occurs 2 weeks after your last period

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Q: You were spotting for one day two weeks after your period could you be pregnant?
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How do you know your having implantation bleeding?

It usually occurs about 7-10 days before the time for your period. It's usually light - sometimes just a dot. For me it was actually a pinkish orange color, for some it's brown. I thought I was getting my period early, but the odd color made me wonder, and then it stopped in a couple of days. I had been pregnant before, and had implantation spotting AFTER my period was due. It wasn't a viable pregnancy and failed about 2 weeks later.

If your yolk sac was measured on Jan 7th then you could not have fallen pregnant on the 4th of Jan would have to have been befor that?

No you couldn't to see a yolk sac you would need to be approx 5-6 weeks pregnant which is 3-4 weeks after conception.

What is the color of the spotting?

i hope this answers your can be light pink or brown, if it is red in anyway tell your doctor immediately!!! spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common. im 7 weeks and i have been spotting the past 2 days and the doctor told me that it was normal.

Is it possible to have implantation bleeding as early as at 3 weeks from last last menstrual period?

Yes. Implantation occurs a week to ten days after ovulation, so implantation bleeding could take place at this time. Answer Yes I got mine 11 days after my period I think . I think I had sex when on my period OOPS

If an ultrasound showed you were 19 weeks 2 days pregnant can you count back to see when you conceived?

Ultrasound gives an estimate of the age of the foetus. At this stage of the pregnancy, it's quite accurate, but it's still only an estimate, and the date of conception could be a few days, even a week, away from the date 19 weeks and 2 days ago.

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Had a baby 9 weeks ago and have been spotting for 2 weeks but no period could you be pregnant again?

You could be. Take a test

Can you be pregnant if you had 2 days of spotting and 5 days late for period?

Yes, that is what happened to me and I am now 35 weeks pregnant. The spotting is fertilisation taking place.

Almost 2 weeks late for your period and spotting am i pregnant?

if you had sex then yeah it a 80% possible you can be pregnant -KiKi

What does it mean when you have been spotting for 2 3 weeks on and off but has not gotten your period?

most likely that you are pregnant, there could be other reasons. if you are pregnant and spotting, i would get to a doctor right away. it could mean infection or miscarriage

What is it mean if your have ovairian cysts and you haven't had a period in oneyear started spotting 2 weeks ago and still spotting no full period yet had unprotected sex and worried could get pregnan?

You really should go see a doctor. You could be pregnant but not having your period yet you should check out.

For 2 weeks you think your pregnant because of the signs although period on now but still nausea what could it be?

Many pregnant women can mistake spotting for an irregular period. I would take a pregnancy test to make sure.

What if your not spotting at all during the first 3 weeks of pregnancy?

You would not know you are pregnant as you haven't even missed a period yet. A pregnancy is measured from the first day of the last period. So you are 4 weeks when the next period is due. BTW - if you are not spotting, that's a good sign (if you want to be pregnant). No spotting means less chance of miscarriage.

I had My period then 2 weeks later I've noticed spotting which stoped then 3 days later i have more spotting.?

It is most likely that this is ovulation bleeding which generally occurs 2 weeks after period ended. However, if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, take a test if you miss your period

If have been spotting brown and bleeding then after almost a week of spotting you start cramping are you pregnant or did you have a miscarriage?

im 16 and i was supposed to start my period a couple weeks ago and i never did now i am spotting brown blood i was wondering if anyone could tell me what that means

Is spotting orange while urinating common while 8 weeks pregnant?

No it could be a UTI

Could you be pregnant and have a period for 2 weeks?


At 4-5 weeks pregnant is brown spotting and period like cramps normal?

If it is a boy, yes. If it is a boy, yes.