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I would say that you should get that beta to the vet as fast as you can!

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Q: Your betta is not eating and looks paper thin is he getting ready to die?
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The toilet paper is not toxic but a preference for eating paper is anomalous and it is a eating disorder, a psychiatric problem.

Is paper eating safe in pregnancy?

No, it is not safe to eat paper.

Is using multipurpose copy paper okay for a resume?

I always try to use higher quality paper when using for a resume, It looks better than standard paper and can help you stand out from others. Paper type has nothing to do with getting hired or not, You can use standard paper if you want to, But if you have high quality use it if you can.

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It's regular paper...looks the same.

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The urge to eat paper, or other non-food items such as coal, chalk, paint chips, or dirt is an eating disorder called pica.

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eating it?

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Only if it looks darker then shown on paper and if it looks realy red.

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Eating computer paper is not injurious to your health but since human digestive system can't digest cellulose fiber (main ingredient of paper), it will not provide any calorific value.

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that's kinda of a vague question. do you mean the paper?how it looks when its done?

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Eating it

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