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No, she obviously moved on & you should too! They say if your partner cheats, they'll do it again! Love is a crazy thing! It makes you see no wrong in your partner. For the sake of protecting yourself from getting hurt I would not recommend getting back togeather!

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Q: Your ex and you are just about to get back together but shes just told you that while you were not together she had sex with someone else should you get back with her?
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If you break up with someone and they sleep with someone else a week later but then want to get back together what should you do?

As long as they didn't cheat on you while you were together and they don't keep up a pattern of breaking up with you, sleeping with someone else and then crawling back to you time and time again...Then try it again. We make mistakes and we learn from them. Just don't let it become a pattern. If it does, that's when you tell them to hit the road. Also, maybe have them tested for any STD'S. You can never be too safe!

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Ask them.

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Most individuals will have loved someone at least once that does not love them back. Since this person has known you have loved them for a long while and has not acted on it then you will have to accept the fact that the chemistry is not there between you and try to move on by dating others. If you are meant to be together you will be and if not, then you will open yourself up to meet that special person that truly should be in your life.

If you know your ex has been dating someone who has beaten him up and he now want you back should you go back?

You don't take someone back or go out with them because you feel sorry for them. Besides if they just split up from someone despite if you had been together in the past you may just be rebound and get used in the end.

How do you get back together with someone?

you just over time need to covince them that you two were meant to be together

Are DX getting back together?

i think they are coming back in august

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