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you think you can forgive him or you belive you still have a chance. however if you dont feel anything for him tell him you dont and he will move on.

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Q: Your ex still loves you but how do you know you still love him?
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Is is ok to get a divorce from your husband if you are still in love with your ex?

no it isn't unless u know that he doesnt love you. if u know that ur ex still loves u than maybe but like people say its better to be with some one that loves u than someone u love but doesnt love u back.

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say how much you love her

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If she tells you.

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The Guy Still Loves You? How do you know the guy loves you? Does he say so? Does he tell you he loves you forever? These are words, nothing but words. "Love" is a word that so easily assuages a wounded soul. I know it is hard to accept that there are times when "love" is over. Why is he with his ex? Maybe he still feels some love for her or, maybe, he is full of guilt. But, whatever it is, he is with her and that means, I am sorry to say, that he has abandoned you. By saying that he loves you, he simply wants to make the break-up easier for you. Go on with your life. The world is full of men who will want to meet you.

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there is nothing you can do

How do you know weither your ex still loves you or not?

you'll know if they always still likes to come around, and or they still call you but not as much as they did but still calls just to see how your doin 9 times 10 there still in love with you.

How will you know that your ex girlfriend still loves you?

You don't, but if she is then that is her problem. It is your ex-girlfriend, you should have moved on.

What do you do if your boyfriend still loves is ex wife?

Leave him he must not love you as much as you love him or you can be sneaky and see what he does with her

How do you know if your ex wife loves you still?

if she a stripper and does u for free

What should i do my ex still loves me?

Ignore him/her, and pretend you don't know him/her.

What does i still love you deep down mean?

" i still love you deep down " means that your ex boyfriend ( i guess ) still loves you, and he always will . - im a pro at relationship advice, if anyone has any questions let me know :)

Does Justin Bieber's ex still love him?

No , He Loves Selena Gomez . And They Are A Perfect Couple !