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The thing to remember is that ferrets are obligate carnivores - that is, they would naturally eat only meat, much like their polecat cousins. However, polecats also eat the contents of their prey's stomachs, which will include grass and leaves as they prey on rabbits, mice and other rodents so small amounts of fruit and vegetable are fine.

Most ferrets love chicken - if you feed them cooked chicken, remove the bones as they can splinter. Raw chicken and other meat with the bones is very good for them - they enjoy pulling the meat off and chewing the bones is good for their teeth. Butchers will often be happy to give you a bag of bones with small scraps of meat still attached, often for no charge, which ferrets adore. Ferrets also tend to like fish, but this can make their droppings runny and smelly - be careful to remove small bones from fish such as trout. Salmon fillets tend to be popular.

Ferrets also like eggs which, since they're high in protein and fats, are highly suitable for them. Just crack a raw egg into a bowl and let them lap it up.

Avoid processed foods such as pre-cooked cold chicken and ham, spam, corned beef and suchlike as all of these are very high in salt. Check the ingredients of anything you think your ferrets might like - the nearer salt is to the start of the list, the higher the amount of salt in the food. Milk is also best avoided as ferrets are lactose intolerant.

Small amounts of kitten food can be fed to them too, but not exclusively. The best option is to feed ferret food with small amounts of other things.

Refer to related questions below for more information on feeding ferrets

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14y ago

A baby kit (6 - 11 weeks old) might not be accustomed to eating solid food and may need to have moistened food. One part dry food with three parts warm water, let sit about 3 minutes, until consistency of oatmeal (adjust ratio if needed)

When a ferret starts eating solid food, whatever they are fed for the first few months is what they will recognize as food. If you have just acquired a ferret you need to feed him the same food. If from a shelter or adopted, some people feed cheap cat food. Try to find out what food been given, if you can't, try kitten food, like Iams. Sometimes it helps to make the ferret taste the food. Or moisten the food with warm water (make the food smell more), ferrets tend to determine food by smell. Try making the ferret taste the food by rubbing some on his mouth or gums. Some Ferrets need have gradual change in food to avoid stomach digestion problems. This can be done by adding a new food a little at time with the existing food. It's important that ferrets are fed a high quality ferret food to avoid health problems and providing a mix of ferret foods in case one becomes unavailable

Is the ferret not eating due to illness? When a ferret will not eat, some possible causes are - illness, stress, or intestinal blockage. If a ferret is not eating, you must resort to feeding a high calorie supplement like duck soup. which there are many recipes - main ingredient is chicken baby food thinned with water in addition to various other ingredients. A ferret has to eat, they can die in a matter of days. You need to find out why your ferret is not eating, contact a veterinarian asap.

refer to link below for more information:

Once you've ruled out illness, there are other kinds of food you can try; other brand of ferret food, premium kitten kibble, meat, prey animals, frozen raw food.

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15y ago

If a ferret is not eating it is indicative of serious illness or disease needing immediate veterinarian care, any delay in supportive care will serious health problems. When a ferret will not eat, some possible causes are - illness, stress, or intestinal blockage. If a ferret is not eating, you must resort to feeding a high calorie supplement like duck soup. which there are many recipes - main ingredient is chicken baby food thinned with water in addition to various other ingredients. A ferret has to eat, they can die in a matter of days. You need to find out why your ferret is not eating, contact a veterinarian asap.

refer to link below for more information:

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13y ago

Ferrets imprint on food they are fed the first sixth months of life - which means whatever they are fed for the first six months they recognize as food only. To change foods, gradually mix with whatever they are eating currently.

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10y ago

meat such as chicks,chicken, mice

frozen because no live feeding in the uk an usa

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Can a ferret eat meat?

Ferrets eat meat, that is their diet as they are carnivores.

Do Ferret eat meat?

Yes. Raw meat, bones, and organs are the best diet for a ferret. They are obligate carnivores and their digestive system can only digest meat.

Do ferret eat raw meat?

Yes. Raw meat, bones, and organs are the best diet for a ferret. They are obligate carnivores and their digestive system can only digest meat.

Can a ferret eat lettuce if you run out of ferret food?

No. Ferrets are obligate carnivores meaning that they can only eat meat or meat based foods. Their body is unable to digest fruit, vegetables, dairy or grains and feeding these to the ferret can cause it to become unwell. If you run out of ferret food maybe try giving the ferret some raw meat or an egg.

Does anyone eat ferret meat?

No, ferrets are not game animals. It is illegal to eat any animal that is classified as a pet such as ferrets

Does fruite kill a ferret?

no fruit doesn't kill a ferret the only think not to feed a ferret is meat any type of meat

What do albino ferrets eat?

The diet of an albino ferret is the same as any other color ferret. Ferrets are obligate carnivores and derive all nutrition from meat. They should be given a balanced raw meat diet, or commercial kibble.

What should a five month old ferret eat?

raw meat is the best food for ferrets. You can give your ferret chicken wings, shrimp, different organs and etc. Skin and bones are ok.

Can a ferret choke on its harness?

If you put a harness on your ferret to tight, then they can choke. you mostly wont have to worry about it.

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Ferrets are strict carnivores (meat eaters) and cannot digest fruit, vegetables, grains or plant matter.

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