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you need to put hairspray

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Q: Your hair is straight but you want it to stay curled?
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What if your hair is curly and want it to stay straight all the time how do you do this?

get a straight perm

How much does it cost to get your hair curled at the hairdressers?

I don't know because I want. to find out too!

You have straight hair and whenever you try to curl your hair it wont stay in so you want to know how to get natural curly hair?

If you have naturally straight hair, you can't "get" naturally curly hair. The best thing you can do is experiment with hair products (like gels, mousses, & hair sprays) to discover which will help you get & hold the best curl for your hair.

What unusual items can you use to keep hair curled besides hairspray it is for a project?

You could try running the hair at 90° along a blade like you do with ribbons to keep it curled :P I am not sure if that works but I am just guessing, I don't want to try it with my hair though^^

How to wear your hair to a party?

Well if its a pool party I would suggest a french braid and you can also wear a french braid for any party, but if you want to get fancy I could curl my hair and leave down curled or pin it back or up curled

Why do people get basic roller set in their hair?

they want straight hair

Why was the hair straightener invented?

Women that have curly hair often want their hair straight.

Why would people want thinner hair?

Age old truth. We all want what we don't have. Straight haired people want curly hair. Curly hair people want straight hair. People with really thick hair get tired of having it poofy, or heavy, or hard to manage. All they have to do is go to the hair dresser and tell them they want to thin out their hair. They can do it.

Is it possible to get a perm effect but not permanent?

As you may know perms will grow out as your hair grows but if you want a perm that does not stay in it is better to go for a looser perm. However if you want to have curled hair for a short period of time it is better to use curling tongs. I had a perm 6 months ago and it is very bad for your hair so avoid dying your hair aswell and straightening it. Make sure you are sure you want to have a perm. It is expensive, and not easy to hide if you don't like it.

Do straight hair girls want to have curly hair?

No, I'm straight haired and i want curls sometimes if I'm going to a party or the beach or something like that.It depends on you'r taste everybody's different.Its like saying all curly hair girls want straight hair it just doesn't make seance,again totally depends on your taste and what you want to do to your hair on that particulate day or event.

What was the purpose of the hair straightener?

It can straighten peoples hair, if of course, people want it straight. But, it severely damages your hair.

Can you blow dry your hair using a flat iron?

if you want you hair to be straight, i guess so