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You are going to have to file a custody petition through Family Court or Domestic Court or Juvenile Court or whatever it's called down there. Be ready for a pretty extensive and intensive background investigation.

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Q: Your nephew is a ward of the state of Florida How can you obtain custody?
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Im a Non custodial parent in NY State who wants to obtain full custody of my son who lives in Florida due to the custodial parents negligence with his education and health how can I get full custody?

You need an attorney in Florida who specializes in family law.

How do you give up custody of a child. Our nephew is in our custody and we can no longer care for him. there are no other family members?

If there are no other family members, and you are no longer able to care for this nephew, the only remaining alternative is for him to become a ward of the state. Contact the child welfare agency in your state.

Nephew that has a son and he was recently told that his son's mother is an illegal alien. Will a judge give him custody of his son?

That depends on the Judge, the law of the state where they are, and the specific of the custody request.

Will the state of Oregon pay agrandmother support for the gradchildren that she wants temporary custody or full custody of?

Welfare will help in obtain child support and/or state aid.

How old do you have to be to switch from your mother's house in Florida if she has primary custody to your father's house in New York?

If the child has not reached the state's age for emancipation, the custodial parent must agree to the change or the non-custodial parent must petition the court to obtain equal or sole custody rights.

Does Florida honor Texas custody orders?

All states follow the Uniform Custody Law, except for Massachusetts. If you plan on making a permanent move however, you will have to file Custody orders in said state, because these are state laws.

Can you move out of the state with your nieces and nephew if you are the legal custodian in Florida?

It depends on what is was included in the custodial/guadian decree. If there is no direct stipulation that such action can be taken by the person(s) holding legal custody, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a family law attorney. In some instances state social services may be of some assistance.

If you divorce or separate in Florida can the mother move out of the state of Florida to Ca with with her children?

yes you can when you divorce you can do anything you want with your children as long as you have custody of them.

Florida has custody of me but i was placed in Texas and now im 17 in the state of Texas you can leave your house when you are 17 can Florida come and pick you up and force to go to Florida?


Can you obtain a drivers license in Florida if your drivers license is suspended in another state?

No you cannot get a drivers license in Florida if you have had your license suspended in another state.

If someone is taken into custody for a crime and they tell him He has a warrant in The state of Florida but Florida does not want to come and get him can he be later told that he has warrants For Him?

Yes. The authorities do not have to extradite the suspect just because he is in custody in another jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the suspect to show up to face the charges in Florida.

Who has custody of children when a couple is unmarried in the state of Florida?

Technically the mother has the first rights, but there isn't really custody until it is taken to court. To aviod any future misunderstandings I would file full custody of the child.