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Your parents shouldn't have had to "figure out" you were dating. If you have nothing to hide then you should have brought your boyfriend home to meet them. You may still be able to save yourself on this one, if you ask your parents if you could invite your boyfriend over for dinner. They have a right to know who you are going out with because they love you and want the very best of things in life for you. You may think you know all the answers in the love department, but my dear, you haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg yet. Be sure your boyfriend is polite, dressed in a clean shirt and jeans or whatever young guys are wearing these days (hygiene is at the top of the list) and makes some effort to talk to your parents. Parents don't like rude boys that are too secretive about themselves, or boys that don't bother to come to the door to pick their daughter up, but sit outside revving up their car engine or honk until you come out. Consider yourself lucky that you have parents that care who you are going out with just want you to be safe and happy. Good luck Marcy

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17y ago
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10y ago

Just tell them you really like that person, and tell them you want to hang out with him/her. Then they might let you date and they will say OK. But it depends what grade you are in.If you are in like third grade, not gonna happen.

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14y ago

just admit it, it's not worth it to lie. Besides, it will just screw things up more cause they're bound to find out anyway. And you don't want to get in trouble for lying too.

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13y ago

Sneak him around or maybe even prove to them that he's different than what they picture him as.

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Q: What do you do when your strict parents find out you have a boyfriend?
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Just tell them! They're your parents, they should understand by now that you're old enough to move in with you boyfriend. But if your parents are super strict and you're sure that they won't approve of it, then forget about it.

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To each his own. Some parents are strict & don't want you to date until this age or that age; other parents are more lenient & don't care as long as you're honest about it & let them meet your boyfriend.

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No. And the boyfriend's parents could very well find themselves facing criminal charges for taking her in.

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well parents becume strict when the teen/children becume iresponsabile or dont listen

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Some parents are just so strict and therefore don't allow their children to have relationships at this age. If your parents let you and want a boyfriend then you should go for it, but if they don't let you then it will be worth the wait. It is not illegal to have a relationship at this age but your guardian may not allow this.

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depends: closer to your mom= ask if you can just talk with her or go shopping and just ask her what she thinks of you having a boyfriend

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