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Microwave ovens don't heat up vessels if they're microwave proof.

Usually the information relating to their microwave capability will be found on the base of the vessels.

If you use a vessel which isn't microwave proof it will heat up, very possibly dangerously so: it will be likely to crack or explode.

To test for microwave proofing, if there's no information on your vessel, put the item into your microwave with a vessel you know to be microwave proof - maybe a coffee mug. Fill it with water; this will help protect your oven; its magnetron won't cope well with unsuitable vessels .

Heat for half a minute. At the end of that time your mug of water will have heated, but your untested vessel will also have become hot. If this happens, never, ever use that vessel in a microwave oven; you risk at best the thing cracking open and making a heck of a mess of your oven interior and at worst might cause injury to someone removing it from the oven.

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It means open up the can, put the food or whatever inside into a saucepan then light the cooker and heat it. You can heat it up in microwave oven but in my opinion, food is not so good when heated in oven.

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How does a microwave Owen work?

Hi there a microwave generates heat by making micro waves which cook our food by vibrating the particles and making them heat by rubbing togather.This makes the food cook from inside out .The microwave oven can also cook food like an oven by heating up the inside and no just the food.

What part of food does a microwave heat up?

Micro waves heat by vibrating the conductive molecules in items. Pure water (which has no impurities) does Not boil in a microwave oven. It does get extremely hot! Be care and use the recommended time for that your microwave states for water.

How does a microwave oven heat up?

The oven doesn't heat up. The air inside stays at room temperature (although that would be difficult to measure). What heats up is the substances you place in the oven that absorb 2.5 GHz radio energy effectively ... mostly water and fats in foods.

How do you heat up eggrolls?

You can microwave it. But for a crispier taste put it in the oven for about 5-10 mins or until warm and crispy.

How does the microwave help people today?

it can easily heat up objects if you cant cook it in the oven or want it done faster.