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IT is just because of inherent intelligence. Even atoms do have intelligence. Intelligence is nothing but directedness. All material and non-material act according to the natural laws. Hence the very law is nothing but the intelligence. So science and scientific thinking do arise automatically.

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We all have different lives, our differences are what effect our learning. Variables which effect our learning are;

Personality- how we personally feel and behave

Culture- the way which we are conditioned to live with in our environment

Philosophy- the pursuit of knowledge and understanding

Actual experience- what we already know and how we apply this

Life Phase- how old we are can determine our understanding

Learning style- do you learn buy audio, visual, kinaesthic

Autonomy- self motivation

Values- your beliefs

Perceived experience- what you actually believe to be true

Life stage- factors that influence your life IE, have children

Self directedness- the interests that we have.

I hope that is helpful

Viv :-)

Dip of Training and Assessment, Australia Melbourne

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This is a controversial topic, so you may have multiple answers:

Answer 1: Yes

Muhammad did create and rule a large empire, both as a religious leader and a military leader. The term warlord is applicable.

Answer 2: No
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a model for all morals including war. However, he didn't wage wars for a personal benefit or glory. He put the rules during that no killing of a child. a woman, an old man, or an ill man. He ruled out that no cutting of a tree, no destruction of a house or a worshiping place. He occasionally lived only on dates and water for over three month as narrated by his wife Aisha. He didn't leave any fortune to his family after his death.
Accordingly, by the measures of a warlord, it couldn't be claimed that prophet Muhammad was a warlord but just a warrior with good morals.

Answer 3: You Decide

This is a volatile subject. Because Muhammad is the Jesus of Islam some people refuse to hear anything negative about him.

Whether he was a warlord may be a matter of opinion. During his ten years in Medina, Muḥammad personally commanded 27 military attacks. Prior to his death, he conquered most of the Arabian peninsula.

According to the dictionary a warlord is defined as:

"a supreme military leader"

You'll have to judge for yourself.

Answer 4: Definitional Issue
Whether Mohammed fits into the definition of warlord depends more on the perception of warlords than it does with the actual nature of what Mohammed did. Warlords are typically seen as brutal leaders who control territories through the use of violence and galvanize their soldiers to terrorize any and all enemies. A warlord may be relatively decent as a person, but this is much rarer than warlords who are outwardly aggressive and belligerent.

Muslims ascribe to Mohammed a number of important virtues such as deference, impartiality, directedness, being respectful of differences among monotheists, and being discerning enough to tell truth from lies. These are not attributes typically ascribed to warlords, but to judges and sound political leaders. This is why Muslims often see Mohammed as a leader who happened to engage in warfare.

Mohammed, however, was no stranger to war. He commanded several major battles such as the Battle of Badr and the Battle of the Trench. He famously fought in these battles wearing two suits of armor. He also executed the supposed traitors in the Banu Qurayza Tribe of Medina for not supporting the Muslims in the battles with Mecca. He was a supreme tactician and very physically imposing figure. He had numerous wives and concubines and permitted the soldiers in his service to take wives from conquered territories as well. These attributes tend to fall well within what is considered to be a warlord.

So, whether Mohammed was a warlord or not depends on how you weight the definition of warlord.
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daintinesses damnableness damselfishes dappernesses daredeviltry daringnesses daughterless daunorubicin daydreamlike daylightings deacidifying deactivating deactivation deactivators deadlinesses deaminations deathwatches debarkations debaucheries debilitating debilitation debonairness debouchments debridements decaffeinate decalcifying decalcomania decantations decapitating decapitation decapitators decarbonated decarbonates decarbonized decarbonizer decarbonizes decarburized decarburizes decasyllabic decasyllable decelerating deceleration decelerators decemvirates decentralize decerebrated decerebrates decertifying dechlorinate decidability decimalizing decipherable decipherment decisiveness declamations declarations declassified declassifies declensional declinations decollations decolletages decolonizing decolorizers decolorizing decommission decompensate decomposable decompressed decompresses deconditions decongestant decongesting decongestion decongestive deconsecrate deconstructs decontrolled decoratively decorousness decorticated decorticates decorticator decreasingly decrementing decrepitated decrepitates decrepitudes decrescendos decussations deerstalkers deescalating deescalation defalcations defeminizing defenestrate defibrillate defibrinated defibrinates deficiencies definiteness definitional definitively definitizing deflagrating deflagration deflationary deflorations defoliations deforcements deformalized deformalizes deformations degeneracies degenerately degenerating degeneration degenerative deglaciation deglamorized deglamorizes deglutitions degradations degressively degringolade degustations dehumanizing dehumidified dehumidifier dehumidifies dehydrations deifications deionization dejectedness delaminating delamination delectations deliberately deliberating deliberation deliberative delicatessen delightfully delimitation delineations delinquently deliquescent deliquescing deliverances delocalizing delusiveness demagnetized demagnetizer demagnetizes demarcations dementedness demilitarize demimondaine demineralize demobilizing democratized democratizer democratizes demodulating demodulation demodulators demographers demographics demographies demolishment demonetizing demoniacally demonization demonologies demonologist demonstrable demonstrably demonstrated demonstrates demonstrator demoralizers demoralizing demurenesses demystifying denaturalize denaturation dendrologies dendrologist denervations denigrations denitrifiers denitrifying denominating denomination denominative denominators denouncement densitometer densitometry denticulated denuclearize denunciation denunciative denunciatory deontologies deontologist deoxidations deoxygenated deoxygenates deoxyriboses departmental dependencies depilatories depolarizers depolarizing depoliticize depolymerize depopulating depopulation deportations depositaries depositional depositories depravations depravedness depravements deprecations depreciating depreciation depreciative depreciators depreciatory depredations depressingly depressively depressurize deprivations deprograming deprogrammed deprogrammer deputization deracinating deracination derangements deregulating deregulation derelictions derepressing derepression derisiveness derivational derivatively derivatizing dermabrasion dermatitides dermatitises dermatologic dermatophyte derogatively derogatorily desacralized desacralizes desalinating desalination desalinators desalinizing descriptions desecrations desegregated desegregates desensitized desensitizer desensitizes deservedness desexualized desexualizes desiccations desiderating desideration desiderative designations desipramines desirability desirousness desolateness desolatingly despairingly desperations despisements despitefully despiteously despoilments despoliation despondences despondently despotically desquamating desquamation dessertspoon destabilized destabilizes destinations destitutions destructible destructions desulfurized desulfurizes detachedness detailedness detasselling detergencies deteriorated deteriorates determinable determinably determinants determinator determinedly determinisms determinists detestations dethronement detonability detoxicating detoxication detractively detrainments detribalized detribalizes detrimentals detumescence deuteranopes deuteranopia deuteranopic deuterations deuterostome devaluations devastations developments deverbatives deviationism deviationist devilishness devitalizing devitrifying devocalizing devotionally devoutnesses dextrorotary diabetogenic diabolically diageotropic diagnoseable diagnostical diagonalized diagonalizes diagrammable diagrammatic dialectician dialectology dialogically diamagnetism diamondbacks diaphanously diaphoretics diapositives diastereomer diastrophism diatessarons diatomaceous diatonically dibenzofuran dicarboxylic dichlorvoses dichotically dichotomists dichotomized dichotomizes dichromatism dichroscopes dicotyledons dictatorship dictionaries dictyosteles didactically didacticisms diencephalic diencephalon dietetically differencing differentiae differential difficulties diffractions diffusionism diffusionist difunctional digitalizing digitization diglycerides digressional digressively dilapidating dilapidation dilatability dilatational dilatometers dilatometric dilatoriness dilettantish dilettantism dillydallied dillydallies dilutenesses dimensioning dimercaprols dimerization diminishable diminishment diminutively dinucleotide dipeptidases diphosphates diphtheritic diphtheroids diphthongize diploblastic diplodocuses diplomatists dipsomaniacs dipterocarps directedness directnesses directorates directorship directresses disabilities disablements disaccharide disaccording disaccustoms disadvantage disaffecting disaffection disaffiliate disaffirming disaggregate disagreeable disagreeably disagreement disallowance disambiguate disannulling disappearing disappointed disapprovals disapprovers disapproving disarmaments disarranging disassembled disassembles disassociate disastrously disbandments disbelievers disbelieving disbowelling disburdening disbursement discerningly discernments discipleship disciplinary discipliners disciplining disclamation discographer discographic discomfiting discomfiture discomforted discommended discommoding discomposing discomposure disconcerted disconfirmed disconnected disconsolate discontented discontinued discontinues discordances discordantly discotheques discountable discouragers discouraging discourteous discoverable discrediting discreetness discrepantly discreteness discriminant discriminate discursively disdainfully diseconomies disembarking disembarrass disembodying disemboguing disemboweled disenchanted disenchanter disencumbers disendowment disentailing disentangled disentangles disenthralls disentitling disestablish disesteeming disfranchise disfunctions disfurnished disfurnishes disgruntling disguisement disgustfully disgustingly disharmonies disharmonize disheartened dishevelling dishonesties dishonorable dishonorably disillusions disincentive disinclining disinfectant disinfecting disinfection disinfestant disinfesting disinflation disingenuous disinherited disinhibited disintegrate disinterests disinterment disinterring disinvesting disjointedly disjunctions disjunctives disjunctures dislocations dislodgement dislodgments disloyalties dismalnesses dismembering dismissively disobedience disorderedly disorganized disorganizes disorientate disorienting dispensaries dispensation dispensatory dispersively dispiritedly displaceable displacement displeasures disportments dispositions dispossessed dispossesses dispossessor disputations disputatious disqualified disqualifies disquietudes disquisition disregardful disregarding disrelations disrelishing disremembers disreputable disreputably disrespected disruptively dissatisfied dissatisfies disseminated disseminates disseminator disseminules dissentients dissepiments dissertating dissertation dissertators disseverance disseverment dissimilarly dissimilated dissimilates dissimulated dissimulates dissimulator dissipatedly dissipations dissociating dissociation dissociative dissolutions dissuasively dissyllables dissymmetric distemperate distempering distillation distilleries distinctions distinctness distortional distractable distractedly distractible distractions distrainable distraughtly distributary distributees distributing distribution distributive distributors disturbances disturbingly disunionists disutilities ditchdiggers ditransitive diuretically divaricating divarication divergencies diversifiers diversifying diversionary diversionist diverticular diverticulum divertimenti divertimento divestitures dividendless divisibility divisionisms divisionists divisiveness divorcements doctrinaires documentable dodecahedral dodecahedron dodecaphonic doggednesses dogmatically dolomitizing dolorousness domestically domesticated domesticates domiciliated domiciliates dominatrices dominatrixes dopaminergic doppelganger dorsiventral dorsolateral dorsoventral doubleheader doublenesses doublespeaks doublethinks doubtfulness doughnutlike douroucoulis dovishnesses downloadable downshifting downwardness doxorubicins doxycyclines draftinesses draftsperson dramatically dramatizable dramaturgies drapeability dreadfulness dreadnoughts dreamfulness dreaminesses drearinesses dressinesses dressmakings drillability drillmasters drinkability driveability drivennesses droughtiness drowsinesses drumbeatings drysalteries dumbfounders dumbfounding dumortierite dunderheaded duodecillion duplications durabilities dwarfishness dyeabilities dynamometers dynamometric dynastically dysfunctions dysmenorrhea dysphemistic dysrhythmias

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