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Wrong. Endocrinopathy is the correct answer.

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Wrong. Endocrinopathy is the correct answer.

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Diabetes caused by other hormones blocking/stopping insulin.

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The IMF is informed about POEMS Syndrome, and the Mayo Clinic diagnoses it. Of course, if you are not rich and have an HMO that does not cover testing at the Mayo Clinic, you obviously won't get diagnosed. Been there, done that. Instead, you will just get lies from doctors who do not know how to diagnse POEMS.

POEMS is an acronym for the syndrome's most common symptoms:

P - polyneuropathy: nerve disease (numbness, tingling, and weakness of the hands and feet).

O - organomegaly: organ enlargement (liver, lymph nodes or spleen).

E - endocrinopathy: disease affecting hormone-producing glands (sexual development, metabolic functions, thyroid hormones, etc.).

M - monoclonal gammopathy or monoclonal plasma proliferative disorder: a collection of abnormal blood protein cells.

S - skin changes: increased skin pigment, increased body hair, thickening of the skin, whitening of the nails, etc.

To receive a diagnosis of POEMS syndrome, patients must experience at least the "P" and the "M" as well as either sclerotic (scarring) bone lesions or Castleman disease, a coexisting condition. Patients will typically have at least one other feature (the "O", "E", or "S") as well as some abnormalities listed below.

Common abnormalities included in the syndrome include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Edema (swelling of the ankles and legs)
  • Enlarged breast tissue (occurs in both men and women)
  • Generalized aches and pains
  • Ascites (fluid collection in the abdomen)
  • Pleural effusion (fluid collection in the lungs)
  • Increased blood cell counts (increased platelet or red cell count)
  • Changes in vision
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1. Endobronchial : ENDO bronchial (en do bron' ki al) adj.

Within the cavity of a bronchus

2. Endocardial : ENDO cardial (en do kard' ee al) adj.

Within the heart

3. Endochrome : ENDO chrome (en' do krome) n.

Coloring matter within the cell

4. Endocrine : ENDO crine (en' do krin) n.

Any internal secretion

5. Endocrinology : ENDO crinology (en do kri nol' o jee) n.

Science of the endocrine glands

6. Endocrinopathy : ENDO crinopathy (en do kri nop' a thi) n.

Disorder of the endocrine glands

7. Endogamy : ENDO gamy (en dog' a mee) n.

Marriage within a legally designated group

8. Endoparasite : ENDO parasite (en do par' a site) n.

A parasite living within the body; as, a tapeworm

9. Endogeny : ENDO geny (en doj' e nee) n.

Growth from within

10. Endogastric : ENDO gastric (en do gas' trik) adj.

Relating to the inside of the stomach

11. Endopsychic : ENDO psychic (en do sie' kik) adj.

Developing within the psyche

12. Endorachis : ENDO rachis (en do ray' kis) n.

The membrane lining in the spinal canal

13. Endoral : END oral (en do' ral) adj.

Within the mouth

14. Endoscope : ENDO scope (en' do skope) n.

Instrument to see the interior of a hollow organ

15. Endosepsis : ENDO sepsis (en do sep' sis) n.

Internal rotting away of figs

16. Endosteal : END osteal (en dos' tee al) adj.

Within the bone

17. Endothermy : ENDO thermy ( en do ther' mee) n.

Surgical production of heat within the tissues

18. Endotoxin : ENDO toxin (en do tok' sin) n.

A toxin of internal origin

19. Endotrophic : ENDO trophic (en do trof' ik) adj.

Nourished from within

20. Endophagy : ENDO phagy (en dof' a ji) n.

Cannibalism within the family or tribe

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