

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is the influence of one's friends or social group on his or her decisions, often with negative effects.

500 Questions

What are the reasons for peer pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

When your stressed and people keep on nagging you to do things all the time even when your trying your hardest. Peer pressure is also when people make you do things that you dont want to do because you want to fit in and make friends, like smoking...etc.

What effect does peer pressure has in the book Speak?

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In the book "Speak," peer pressure is shown to have a negative impact on the main character, Melinda. She struggles with speaking up about her traumatic experience, partly due to fear of how her peers will react or judge her. Peer pressure contributes to Melinda's isolation and internal struggle throughout the story.

What types of comments should one give during a peer edit on a draft in its earliest stage?

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Asked by Wiki User

During a peer edit on a draft in its earliest stage, focus on providing feedback related to the overall structure, clarity of ideas, and coherence of the content. Offer suggestions for improving organization, identifying any sections that may be unclear, and pointing out any inconsistencies or gaps in logic. Avoid getting too caught up in grammar and spelling corrections at this stage.

Do girls lie about their virginity?

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Some individuals may lie about their sexual history, but it is not accurate to say that all girls lie about their virginity. It is important to approach discussions about sexuality with respect and understand that each person's experience is unique and personal. Trust and open communication in a relationship are key to understanding each other's boundaries and history.

Stories to read about peer pressure?

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"Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose is a classic play that delves into the dynamics of peer pressure in a jury room. "The Wave" by Todd Strasser is a novel based on a true story about a high school teacher's experiment with a new social movement that spirals out of control due to peer pressure. "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson follows a teenager's struggle with peer pressure and isolation after a traumatic event.

How can peer pressure contribute to juvenile delinquency?

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Peer pressure can contribute to juvenile delinquency as youths may engage in harmful behaviors or delinquent activities in order to fit in or gain acceptance from their peers. The desire to be part of a peer group and fear of being ostracized can lead young individuals to engage in illegal activities and make poor decisions, leading to delinquency. Peer pressure can be a strong influence on young people, often outweighing their own judgment and moral values.

Is peer pressure an issue?

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Yes, peer pressure can be an issue, particularly for adolescents and young adults. It's the feeling of being influenced to conform to the behaviors, attitudes, and choices of one's peers. It can lead to individuals engaging in activities they may not want to or making decisions that aren't in their best interest.

What to do if someone wants to fight you but you don't want to?

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if this happens more then once u attack him because then he will just keep on bullying u so when he asks u to fight say ya then punch punch punch

How does positive and negative peer pressure influence tobbaco use among teens?

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If a friend of yours offers you a cigarette, just so that you can try it and find out what it is like, there is a certain pressure to accept the offer because if you don't, it will seem that you are afraid of smoking, and teenagers do not want to be thought to be cowardly. It is also widely thought that it is a good idea to find out about things for yourself rather than taking other people's word, so even though everyone has been told that smoking is a bad thing, you may want to find out for yourself. The only problem with this idea is that in the process of finding out, you may wind up becoming addicted to nicotine.

What is peer pressure on smoking?

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Obviously the most simple way is just say "no". If you're afraid of your friend judging you, you can say something like "I've tried it before, and I don't like it" even though you haven't, or tell them your parents will know if you do it. Smoking is very unhealthy, just look out for your health. (:

Where to get help with peer pressure?

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You can seek help from a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, or counselor. Additionally, talking to friends you trust or joining a support group can also provide guidance on how to handle peer pressure effectively. Remember that it's okay to say no and prioritize your own well-being.

Could you give me some really dirty dares for two guys so no making out or anything like that?

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Asked by FunkehMunkeh

dare them to sing a kesha song or to make out

What are examples of reverse peer pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Praise from a friend or random student, you know, like: You can do it! or: You should totally run, you'd blow the student council right out of the water!

I think those sort of comments are better if a group of friends are all telling them to you, because then the student could feel a bit more confident about themselves.

What are ways you can turn down peer pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some ways to turn down peer pressure:

  • Walk away- you might feel like a coward in turning down an experience, but you might be saving yourself from the embarrassment or a mistake that you'll regret later.
  • Rainchecks- they'll think you'll be available the next time, yet you won't fall easily into peer pressure.
  • "I have something better to do." Simple, saves time.

How do you be a positive teen?

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Be upbeat and outgoing. Be a leader , not a follower, and set a good example of worthy pursuits. You CAN do good things and still have fun.

What role does peer pressure play in alcohol use among teens?

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Many children are forced to use drugs, alchohol, and cigarettes by friends that threaten them with friendship and popularity for example "if you dont try it ill tell everyone your a wuss" ... Or worse

What is the best method of avoiding peer pressure to enage in inappropriate sexual activities?

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inform your partner of your limits and values from the outset

I am 13 years old and after friends encouraged me to and have since slept naked. Is this normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's completely normal.

Sleeping naked doesn't have to be sexual or dirty in any way. It's really just personal preference. I have plenty of friends who can ONLY sleep naked, whereas I can only sleep with clothes on. Often, it has to do with temperature. If you're really hot when you sleep or if it's hot out, you might be more comfortable with less clothing. If you get chilly when you sleep or if it's cold out like the winter, you might want some clothes!

How is peer pressure causing unrest in schools?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peer pressure are influence from member's of a peer group. When these pressure is negative it can lead to resistant, which may turn unrest in school. There are also positive peer pressure which may lead development of positive character.

Is intimidation threats humiliation and peer pressure are forms of bullying?

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Bullying is using superior strength or influence to intimidate. When this happens it always leads to humiliation of the victim. Consistent negative peer pressure is a form of bullying.

Why do women get their tongues pierced?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably because of peer pressure - they do what their friends do, maybe what the people they admire do.

Why are teens so easliy influenced by peer pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teenage is a stage which is most susceptible to peer pressure. At this stage, kids are neither little children nor adults. However, they wish to be treated as adults. They prefer to take their won decisions and live their life on their own terms. There is nothing bad in it, but they do not have the maturity to deal with the repercussions.