

How can you tell your gerbil has a cold?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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you can tell because if its nose changed a different color like light purple

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Q: How can you tell your gerbil has a cold?
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Why is your gerbil tapping her foot constantly on the bottom of her cage?

Because she is scared or excited and wants to tell another gerbil. Or she is calling for a male gerbil to mate with.

How do you tell if the gerbil is healthy?

If your gerbil is healthy it will have soft shiny fur,bright eyes and a clean nose.

Can you blow on a gerbil if it bits you?

Yes this may happen if you make the gerbil bit you it will go away from the wind because it's cold or hot.

What does it mean if your gerbil shakes or shudders?

It is either cold, or very scared.

How do you tell the sex between a gerbil?

boys will have the sack girls will not

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Cut it in half and count the rings.

Do gerbils have nightmares?

Yes. You can tell if your gerbil is scared if he shivers or if he chatters his teeth

What environment does a gerbil need 2 survive?

A warm (not hot or cold) place to sleep

Can your gerbil die from having a cold?

dont take a chance!! hit up the vet liine!!

When was the first gerbil sold?

I am not sure that records were ever kept of that sort of thing, so we can not tell you.

What are the sighs of pregnancy in a gerbil?

if your gerbil is a female there usally quite small so you can tell by looking at there stomach like humans they get a bump and sleep more often but its best to get two of the same sex.

How do you tell a girl gerbil from a guy gerbil?

Look on his back side. If it is a Female there are no lumps, the gaps between each ahem holes are larger on a male and smaller one a female. also it is like a baby kitten. the only way you can tell its balls. if it has some then its a boy.