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Q:   Human blood has a pH between 7.35 and 7.45 Which of the following best describes human blood?
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What of the following describes the functions of lungs?

Lungs Move Oxygen From The Air Into The Blood.

The pH of the blood is slightly basic Which of the following describes this pH?

Because blood needs to have homeostatis. pH of 7.4

Which of the following definitions best describes veins ?

a vessel that carries blood towards the heart.

Which of the following definitions best describes arteries?

vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

Is human blood alkaline acid or neutral?

Human blood is slightly alkaline.

What can you make with blood on alchemy?

You can make blood by mixing human and blade, with blood you can make the following items. human + blood = vampire ocean + blood = shark sea + blood = shark fish + blood = piranha blood + fabric = bandage

What is the difference between human blood and fish blood?

Fish blood contains nuclei in each blood cell and are much larger than human blood.

What can you make with blood on little alchemy?

You can make blood by mixing human and blade, with blood you can make the following items. human + blood = vampire ocean + blood = shark sea + blood = shark fish + blood = piranha blood + fabric = bandage

Which one of the following increases the blood calcium level in the human body?


What are similarities between the human blood smear and the frog blood smear under microscope?

Numerous differences can be seen between frog blood and human blood. Perhaps the most obvious is the oval shape of the frog erythrocytes rather than the biconcave discs of human blood. Moreover, the frog erythrocytes have a nucleus (here stained blue) whilst human erythrocytes do not. There is less difference in size between the erythrocytes and leucocytes than in human blood. There are no platelets in frog blood.

Is there relationship between blood and tear?

Yes there is a ralationship between blood and teer .this can be explained in this way that when blood comes from human body then teer comes.when human body feels pain then it may come blood and this blood can spread teer.