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white clouds seldom give rain; grey clouds are more potent to give rain which is why the sky is usually grey or dark grey when it rains :)

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stratus clouds

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Q: Low gray clouds that usually bring rain or snow?
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What are clouds that are dark and gray?

cirrus clouds are dark and usally bring rain

What is the color of nimbus clouds?

Nimbus clouds or thunderclouds are usually tall, dense and very dark in color. These clouds form thunderstorms and heavy rain usually follows.

What do stratus clouds do?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

How do you group clouds?

Cumulus clouds are puffy. They have flat bottoms and are low in the sky. Cumulus clouds usually mean fair weather. If they grow tall, they can become thunderheads and bring rain.Cirrus clouds are the highest clouds. They usually mean fair weather. They look white and feathery.Stratus clouds are the low clouds. Fog is a stratus cloud at ground level. They look like a low gray blanket. Stratus clouds bring rain or snow.

Are nimbus clouds rain clouds?

Nimbus clouds are dark gray cloud bearing rain. So, yes.

What kind of weather does stratus clouds bring?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

Do nimbus clouds bring rain?

Yes, nimbus clouds bring rain, sleet, snow, etc.

How clouds usually form rain?

Condensation. That is how. Water evaporates, forms into clouds, and when they get too full of water, it falls back down as rain. White clouds never rain. Gray clouds will sometimes rain. The darker the cloud is, the more likely they will rain. The grayest/ darkest ones will undoubtedly also storm.

What are high grayish clouds called?

the clouds that bring rain are usally cumulonimbus clouds

Is white fluffy clouds rain?

No, White fluffy clouds (Cumulus clouds) do not usually cause rain. usually rain clouds are dark.

Do Clouds bring air?

No -- they bring rain.

What type of clouds bring thunderstorms?

rain clouds