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here is hoping it is a head gasket.

it could also be a cracked block,or a cracked head.

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Q: 05 Ford turbo diesel with tailpipe steam. If not head gasget what else could it be?
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Which invention changed transportaion?

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The main difference between a diesel and a steam engine is the diesel engine is an internal combustion and the steam engine is external combustion.

Cracked head gasket symptoms?

Steam (White Smoke) coming from the tailpipe is the #1 indicator.

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Most gasolines have a high water content,When they are burned in the engine the water turns to steam and goes out the exhaust.As the exhaust system cools off, the steam condenses and water can run out of the tailpipe

1999 deville with 46 northstar tailpipe steaming and water in oil what sould you check?

Steam from the tailpipe, and water in the oil means you have a faulty head gasket. Not a good thing. The steam is the antifreeze/water coolant leaking into the heads (bad gasket) getting heated by the engine and coming out as steam. The water in the oil is the same deal, but it;s collecting in the oil so it isn't coming out of the tailpipe. You need a new head gasket. I promise.

What does mean when a car emits white smoke?

It depends from where it emitting it. White smoke could be steam if from the front - check radiator White smoke from underneath could be transmission fluid White somke from tailpipe could mean burning oil.

Why does steam come from tailpipe until car heats up?

It is NOT steam it is vapor, the same as looking over a lake when the ambient temperature is cooler then the lake water

Why does white smoke come out of the tailpipe on a jeep wrangler?

White smoke is steam. A little is normal on all engines. If there is a lot it could be an indication of coolant getting into the exhaust, possibly from a failed headgasket.

What did the steam engine replace?

The Diesel engine

Are diesel engines more polluted than steam engines?

Of an individual diesel engine and an individual steam engine of the same energy output the diesel engine would be less polluting. It is far more efficient. However, there are far more diesel engines than steam engines in the world today so overall diesel engines pollute more than steam engines.

What are the different kinds of locomotives?

Steam, diesel, electric, sail, gas turbine, maglev and railplane (1934). The different kinds or steam locomotives, diesel locomotiveas, etc. There are three diffrent types: steam, which isn't used much nowdays, diesel, which burn diesel to run power generators, and electric, which run on electricity.

Your car smells like antifreeze but its not leaking?

Could be that your head gasket is beginning to go. Does it smell strongest when you first start the car, then go away? Look for excess steam coming out the tailpipe when you first start it.