

0Who hires zoologists

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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Universities and very few Zoos hire Zoologists which make this a very hard job to find

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Why should Malcolm x be remembered?

The fame of Malcolm X stems arguably from his outspoken and extremely critical stance regarding the treatment of blacks, primarily in the U.S. His indictment of America was fierce, and he was accused of inciting violence. He was a brilliant man, but plagued by inconsistency and irrationality.Though he was a member of the Nation of Islam, he "butted heads" with leadership there and left that organization. After conversion to become a Sunni Muslim, a hajj and bit of travel, principally to sites in the Middle East and Africa, he returned to the U.S. and continued to lambaste America for the problems faced by blacks. He was assassinated by blacks who were alleged to have ties to the Nation of Islam about a year after his departure from that organization. More than one prominent black leader suggested "he got what he preached" after he was killed. A link can be found below.[Do not confuse the film, which was an excellent movie, with the man and his reality.]Other answers:Malcom X was for the blacks and was against racism and was trying to get black people the right to have rightsproberly cause he stopped racism and all of the other things as well. Given the variables of racism then and its existence presently.One would think Malcolm X failed in stopping the advocation of racism. He simply pulled the cover off the instituions that were responisible for the conditions plaguing people of color.It's ironic how in school we are taught to accept the American revolution as a great act,while in the same breath Malcolm's cry for a revolution against racist institutions was wrong.What Malcolm did stop,was black people from believing that they had no voice,or power to challenge the power structure.More importantly he taught that 0who you are is defined in your ability to become educated and come together as a people first.