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Worn or frayed wire to starter?

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Q: 1997 jeep tj 40amp maxi fuse for starting circuit keeps blowingreplace fuse starts again but will blow at anytime again have had starter replaced?
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Is it true or false that a circuit breaker must be replaced after a short circuit occurs?

A circuit breaker must be reset to ON after a short circuit but does not need to be replaced. It depends on the type of CB. A fuse is also a circuit breaker and it needs to be replaced after a short circuit. Relayed circuit breakers have to be "picked up" after a dropout and need not be replaced as such.

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The condition that will result anytime the human body becomes part of an electrical circuit will be an electrical shock. As the neutral side of a load is grounded all a person has to do to become part of the circuit is touch the "hot" feeder side of the circuit and any grounded metallic object that forms part of that circuit.

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Have the circuit breaker replaced.

Can the series circuit be replaced in a computer?

"The series circuit can be replaced, however it is not an easy task and it is best left up to professionals in computer repair unless you have extensive experience with computers."

When do you use a circuit?

Anytime you ask electricity to do anything for you. Turn on light bulbs, start a car, run ann engine, watch TV. Anytime electrical power is used.

What has to be replaced after a short circuit?

Hopefully it's a fuse.

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no rubber stops the flow of electricity

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no rubber stops the flow of electricity

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Resettable circuit breakers.