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No If the bite had rabies you would know before 2 months.

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13y ago

A puppy at 2 weeks CAN have rabies but that does not mean that every two week old puppy has rabies

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Q: 2 months old dog' bite can cause rabies?
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Related questions

Can dog bites cause illness?

Yes. Especially if the dog has rabies. If the dog has not been injected with anti-rabies, a dog's bite can even cause death.

Which disease caused by the bite of mad dog?

The bite of a mad dog can cause Rabies (or Hydrophobia) followed by death.

Which disease is caused by bite of a mad dog?

a lot of diseases spread from dog saliva going into the bite the dog could hav rabies

Can rabies be caused by dog bite if the dog is not injected by anti-rabies?

Rabies can only occur if your dog is not vaccinated against rabies and if the dog that bit your dog has rabies. If it does not have rabies then your dog will not have rabies. But if you're still in doubt, see your Veterinarian.

What does a dog have that is contagious to a human?

A dog can have certain diseases such as rabies so if a dog happens to bite you, you may get rabies.

Do wild dog's bite poision you?

It can if the wild dog has rabies.

If your hiking and your dog gets bite by a kiody that has rabies what do your do to treat the bite and get rid of the rabies?

you cant do anything to the bite to prevent your dog from getting rabies. Go to the VET. Your dog will die if you don't.And if your dog bites you. You won't be doing so good either if you don't go to the vet or doctor.

How can dog attract rabies?

rabies cannot be attracted it is passed on from a bite from another animal that has rabies, wild or not

Which disease is called a bite of a mad dog?


Can you get rabies from kissing a dog that has rabies?

No. However, if the dog has rabies, it probably isn't going to sit there and not bite you if you do so.

Is there chance of rabies if blood is not in wound in a dog bite?

If a dog bit you and didn't puncture the skin, no, no rabies. If you mean there is no dog blood in the wound but still your blood, yes, chance of rabies.

Last 8 months ago your dog bit a 2 year old kid but your dont have a rabies what should you do?

8 monts ago my dog bite a kid but my dog doesnt have rabiies what should i do?