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The strength-1. Is fairly Accurate.2. Provides record. 3. It hinder feed back.

The weeknesses-1.Consuming more time,2.lack of confidence in their writing,3.expensive for routing correspondences (delays) lather than oral communication..

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Q: 3 strength and weakness on written communication?
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Very simple: SWOT = Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat FIRST: List your Strength List your Weakness List the Opportunity you see in the market List the Threat you see in the market SECOND: Answer the following question, in any fashion. (1) Is your STRENGTH good enough to overcome the THREAT you see and/or capitalize the OPPORTUNITY you see> (2) Is your WEAKNESS bad enough to have you die from the THREAT or miss an OPPORTUNITY? (3) To tackle the new OPPORTUNITY, what other STRENGTH/WEAKNESS had to be added or eliminated (4) To mitigate the risk of the new THREAT, what STRENGTH/WEAKNESS had to be added or eliminated Never forget the second step. Most people tends to only do the first, whereas it is actually the second one that's matter in a SWOT analysis.

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1. face to face communication 2. phone communication 3. written commincation ex: text or mail

What are 3 types of communication?

There are more than three, but some of them include interpersonal communication; organizational communication; group communication; intrapersonal communication; and Mass Communication. (Some people would also add oral communication and written communication.)

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There are more than three, but some of them include interpersonal communication; organizational communication; group communication; intrapersonal communication; and mass communication. (Some people would also add oral communication and written communication.)