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Q: A bacterial species that grows on blood agar but will not grow on trypticase soy agar is termed an anaerobe?
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What is the genetic exchange through pili termed?

bacterial conjugation. you're welcome.

Chromosome of a bacterium?

Bacterial genomes are termed as chromatid in contrast to complex chromosome structures of eukaryotes

What is a bacterial infection cause from mycoplasma?

Mycoplasma species have been isolated from women with bacterial vaginosis. M. genitalium infection is associated with increased risk of cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, preterm birth and spontaneous abortion, and infertility. Mycoplasmas are associated with fetal respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants, and most commonly what is termed as -walking-pneumonia.

What is all of the populatons of different species that live and interact in an cell area?

All the plants that occupy and area is termed the flora.All the animals that occupy and area is termed the fauna.

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The emergence of a new species when a population becomes geographically isolated is termed?

because they provide food, comfort, and protection

The emergence of new species when a population becomes geographically isolated is termed what?

This concept is called allopactric speciation.

What is daybreak sometimes termed?

Daybreak is sometimes termed 'dawn'.

How many species of albatross are found in the Antarctic?

Of the 22 species of Albatross, most are found in the Southern Ocean which surrounds Antarctica. Their habitat includes the circumpolar seas marked by South America, Australia and South Africa. Four species of Albatross are found in oceans north of the equator, termed North Pacific albatross.

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Pele was termed as the player of the century

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The rebirth of science and learning during the fifteenth century is termed the?

It was termed the Renaissance.