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no of registers of each window = l + g + 2c... where l = local register, g = global registers, c = registers which are common

no of registers in processor are (l + c)w + g... w = no of registers in windows

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Q: A certain RISC processor has 12 register windowns and 16 global registers each window has 8 input 16 local and 8 output registers the total number of registers in the processor is?
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How General register organization in CPU?

The registers in a CPU are organized according to their purpose. There are data registers and address registers. The address registers are in charge of pointing out where certain data stores are.

Difference between register and memory?

Registers are storage locations internal the the processor. CPU instructions operate on these values directly. On RISC processors, all data must be moved into a register before it can be operated. On CISC (Intel) chips, there are a few operations that can load data from RAM, process it, and save the result back out, but the fastest operations work directly with registers. Also, there are registers that are set aside for certain tasks, these generally include a program counter, stack, and flags. Each register also has a size that determines the maximum amount of data that can be processed at a time. The registers on Pentium chips, for example, are 32 bits. Finally, there are generally only a few registers available on a processer. Intel chips, for example, have 6 general purpose registers, and several specialized registers including a base register, stack register, flags register, program counter, and some addressing registers. Memory, or RAM, is located external to the CPU. Generally speaking, data has to be loaded into a CPU register from memory before the CPU can process it, RAM is much slower than registers, there is a lot more RAM than registers, and generally memory can be addressed on a byte boundaries, where registers may not be able to access all the bytes in a register. To summarize: in general, registers are temporary storage in the CPU that holds the data the processor is currently working on, while RAM holds the program instructions and the data the program requires. Hopefuly this helps, --Eric Tolman

What are the Types and functions of registers?

A computer has address registers and data registers. The address registers usually keeps the computer informed about where certain data stores are kept.

What is the difference between an index and a register?

Indexes and Registers ¦ Indexes: Are permanent topical collections of medical record data required by laws and logic to locate cases for record maintenance, statistics and research, e.g. MPI, physician, disease, procedure and surgery indexes. ¦ Registers: Are permanent chronological listings for maintaining certain statistics, e.g. surgical log, admission, inpatient, outpatient, and death registers.

What is the length of general purpose register in 8085?

The 8085 is an 8-bit computer, therefore the length of the general registers B, C, D, E, H, and L is 8 bits. Some registers, however, can be paired, specifically BC, DE, and HL, to hold and use 16 bit values for certain operations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of manual registers?

I added a related link to an article I wrote entitled "Why Use A Manual Register?". This is assuming that the question is about manual registers for tracking financial transactions. I myself was surprised to discover that manual registers had certain advantages over personal finance software. My article does not propose that manual registers can replace such software, but they can solve areas in which the software is lacking (which are described in full in the article), and thus serve to enhance the overall, otherwise digital, accounting process of managing your personal finances.

Advantages of register variable?

Register variables are a special case of automatic variables. Automatic variables are allocated storage in the memory of the computer; however, for most computers, accessing data in memory is considerably slower than processing in the CPU. These computers often have small amounts of storage within the CPU itself where data can be stored and accessed quickly. These storage cells are called registers. Normally, the compiler determines what data is to be stored in the registers of the CPU at what times. However, the C language provides the storage class register so that the programmer can ``suggest'' to the compiler that particular automatic variables should be allocated to CPU registers, if possible. Thus, register variables provide a certain control over efficiency of program execution. Variables which are used repeatedly or whose access times are critical, may be declared to be of storage class register. Also these register variables are used in huge projects the tiny program developers are not interested to include these register variables, because the tiny programs never requires more time complete its job. These register variables may be used to store constant values so as to make use of it anywhere in the programs. main{ register float a=0;}

Why cant' a segment register be used as a byte register?

There are only a certain (few) number of operations that you can perform on a segment register. Specifically, you can push/pop, and move. That's it. Besides, arbitrarily manipulating segment registers will impact your execution environment - think about what could happen to your program if you changed CS - bad, very bad, unless you also changed IP - and that is called a far jump.

Do you have to register to breed rabbits?

No though you can register your rabbits if they meet certain requirements

Why 8085 is called 8-bit processor and why 8086 is called 16-bit?

The 8086/8088 processor is called a 16 bit processor because its basic architecture is 16 bits wide. Its registers and accumulator are 16 bits wide, and the primary data it manipulates without extra work is 16 bits wide.

Explain about segment registers in 8086MP?

There are four segment registers in the 8086/8088 processor, CS, DS, ES, and SS, also known as Code Segment, Data Segment, Extra Segment, and Stack Segment. Any time an address is generated by the processor, it is added to the value of one of the segment registers, after that segment register is effectively multiplied by 16, or left shifted four bits, in order to generate the physical address that accesses memory. This gives an effective address range of 20 bits, or 1mb, but note that only 64kb is addressable through any segment register at one time, unless you stop to change the contents of that segment register. This is known as a segmented architecture. By default, the CS register is used when fetching instructions, the DS register is used when accessing data, the SS register is used when accessing the stack, and the ES register is used during certain string type instructions. If desired, an instruction prefix can be used to override, such as forcing use of CS instead of DS when using a table contained within opcode space.

Is playlist free?

YES it is but you have you have to be a certain age to register for it.