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Q: A combination of a set of objects is defined by the order of the objects?
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What is different between function and object in java?

a variable holds a single type of literal. i.e. 1, bat, 345. A object is a instance of a class created by the a programmer with a set of methods which preforms certain task depending what methods have been defined. int a = 4; // a would be the variable Car b = new Car();// b is an object b.carGo();// this is an method in the object car created below. class Car(){ void carGo(){ car moves; } }

Is a template for creating a set of objects having common characteristics and behaviour?

A Class. classes are the blueprint for construct objects with the same characteristics and behaviours.

What does primitive method mean in programming?

All the objects in Alice that have a set of common set of built-in methods for performing basic options.

Difference between list and set in java?

A List is an ordered collection of elements. A Set is a collection of unique elements. Sets should be used when you want to store objects without duplicates. Lists should be used any time you need to store an unknown number of objects.

What are the primitive operation perform on a stack and queue?

Primitive Operations : enqueue(o) Put object o on the end of the queue. dequeue() Remove and return the object at the front of the queue. head() Reveal the front object in the queue, but do not remove it. size() Return the number of objects currently in the queue. capacity() Return the maximum number of objects the queue can hold. Other operations can be defined in terms of these primitive on es. For example: • isEmpty() can be defined by testing whether size() is 0. • isFull() can be defined by testing whether size() equals the capac- ity(). These last two could also be considered primitive operation s. There is a balance between minimizing the set of primitive operation s, versus providing many convenient operations for users.