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Mole Ratio :)

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Q: A conversion factor derived from the coefficients of a balanced chemical equation interpreted in terms of mole?
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What is a balanced chemical equation . why should chemical be balanced?

A balanced chemical equation has correct placed coefficients and a representative chemical equation need these coefficients.

What information can you determine from the coefficients in this balanced chemical equation?

What information can you determine from the coefficients in this balanced chemical equation? Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2

What shows the relationship between the reactants and products in a chemical reaction?

the coefficients of a balanced reaction

What information does coefficients provide in a balanced chemical equation?

Type your answer here... The coefficients give the molar ratio of the reactants

How Chemical equations are balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecule true or false?

False. They are balanced by changing the coefficients.

What information about a chemical reaction is derived from the coefficients in a balanced equation?

Coefficients are used to represent multiple molecules of formula units.

How do the coefficients in a balanced equation compare quantites of two substances?

These coefficients show the number of molecules involved in the chemical reaction.

What do coefficients in a chemical equation represent?

Coefficients in a chemical equation represent the number of units of the formula immediately following the coefficient that are involved in the balanced equation for the reaction.

What is the importance of coefficients in a balanced chemical equation?

Coefficients are imortant in a balanced chemical reaction, because it shows you how much of that chemical is reactanting, and also how much is being produce to form the products.

What in chemical equations provide mole ratios that can be used as conversion factors?


What information do the coefficients of a of a balanced equation give about the reactants?

These coefficients show the number of molecules (and the amount of substance) involved in the chemical reaction.

Are Chemical equations are balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecules?

ABSOLUTELY NOT Change the coefficients on reactant or productt units.