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The exterior angles of a polygon always total 360 degrees. That

doesn't even depend on how many sides the polygon has.

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Q: A convex polygon has 10 sides and one angle at each vertex what is the sum of the measure of its exterior angle?
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A convex polygon has 7 sides and one angle at each vertex Whats is the sum of exterior angles?

The sum of the exterior angles of a convex polygon which has sides and one angle at each vertex is 360 degrees.

What does a non convex polygon look like?

A non convex polygon would have an exterior angle less than 90 degrees making it look concave at that vertex.

What does the Polygon Exterior Angle Sum Theorem say?

Theorem 6-1-2; Polygon Exterior Angle Sum Theorem:The sum of the exterior angle measures, one angle at each vertex, of a convex polygon is 360 degrees.

The measure of an exterior angle at the vertex of a polygon equals the measure of the adjacent interior angle?

Very rarely.

What is non-convex and convex?

These terms describe polygons. To identify a polygon as convex, we draw a segment from any vertex to any other vertex. This segment cannot go outside of the polygon. Non-convex is concave. If we draw a segment from a vertex to any other vertex, at least one of the segments will go outside of the polygon.

What is the sum of the measures of the exterior angles one at each vertex of a convex 140-gon A hexagon?

The exterior angles of any polygon always add up to 360 degrees

Is the measure of an exterior angle at the vertex of a polygon equals the measure of the adjacent interior angle?

No. The interior angle and exterior angle at the same vertex are supplementary. Each of them is (180 degrees minus the other). In rectangles (including squares), the interior and exterior angles at each vertex are both right angles.

What is the measure of the exterior angle of a 13 sided polygon if the interior angles vertex is 55 degrees?

If an interior angle is 55 deg, the corresponding exterior angle is 125 deg. This has nothing to do with the number of sides of the polygon (unless it is a regular polygon).

What is the measure of an exterior angle adjacent to the vertex angle?

It is: 180-vertex angle = exterior angle

What is the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon with 57 sides?

With exterior angles measured as in the related link (extending an imaginary line out from the vertex, so that the interior and exterior at the vertex add to 180°), the sum of exterior angles of any polygon is 360°: Interior / Exterior ______/............. Now if you are saying the exterior angle is all the way around the vertex, then you need to add 180° for each vertex. So 360° + 57*(180°) = 10620°.

Does the measure of an exterior angle at the vertex of a polygon equal the measure of the adjacent interior angle?

The sum of an adjacent interior and its exterior angle will total to 360°. If the angles were to be equal, they would both have to be 180°. An angle of 180° is a straight line. A polygon may be composed of straight lines that intersect at vertices but a straight line has no vertex. That being the case, the answer to your question is "No".

What is an exterior and interior angles?

The exterior and interior angles of each vertex of a polygon add up to 180 degrees.