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without prejudice

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Q: A court case was DISM WP. If DISM means dismissed what is WP?
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What does dism-furth of justice mean?

It "sounds" like you are quoting some kind of "short-hand" notation written on a court paper or the court file. To me. it appears that what is being conveyed is: "Case Dismissed in the Furtherance of Justice." If this is correct, it is important that you determine if the case was dismissed WITH or WITHOUT prejudice.

What does it mean when a case is dismissed plantuf did not show?

It means that the case is dismissed because the plaintiff did not show up in court.

What is a dismissed case?

It means that for some legal reason the court has dismissed the charges against the individual. A case may be dismissed "with prejudice" or "without prejudice."

What is the difference in a dismissed or closed case?

A dismissed case is one that has been dismissed by court order or one of the parties and it often means the case had no triable issues. A closed case is one where all legal matters have been resolved.

What does the legal term with prejudice mean?

It can have several meanings depending on the context and the phraseology of the sentence in which it is contained. Give the fully worded example please. "Dismissed with Prejudice" means the case is dismissed, forever.It can't be brought back to court. A case dismissed without prejudice means the opposite. It's not dismissed forever.If the case was dismissed without prejudice, a plaintiff could resurrect it, if, for instance, there was some new evidence. But, "with prejudice" means the court is closing the case permanently.

What does disposed mean in a court of law vs dismissed?

If a case is dismissed means the Judge threw the case out of court. If a juror is dismissed, the juror is told to go home and another juror replaces him. The disposition is the final outcome. That is when the judge is through with the case. If it is a civil case, one side either has to pay the other side or not. If it is a criminal case, one person goes to jail or walks free. Anyway, everyone leaves the court room.

What is dismissed with?

If a court case is dismissed with prejudice the matter cannot be tried again.

Can a case be dismissed at a summons?

No, a case cannot be dismissed at a summons. A summons is an official document issued by the court compelling a person to answer charges either in civil or criminal Court. The case for which the summons was issued could be dismissed at any time.

What is Plaintiff's application is dismissed with costs?

I think this means when the Plaintiff's case is dismissed, meaning the court is not going forward with the charges, and with the costs, means the Plaintiff is responsible for the court costs. Usually this is done when the court feels the case isn't supported by facts, or evidence, or that the case shouldn't have been filed to begin with. Now it has been a while since a worked in the court system, but I think this still holds water.

What is dismissed with prejudice?

If a court case is dismissed with prejudice the matter cannot be tried again.

What does unterminated in court cases mean?

It means the case is open and that the filings will be reviewed before a court. They have not come to a decision. They have not dismissed any motions filed.

What does disposing a court case mean?

A court case that refers to something having been disposed means that something has been cast away or thrown away. It can also be used to mean a given court case has been dismissed.