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The provisions of the U.S. Constitution giving rise to the protections of substantive and procedural due process of lawin their broadest form, ensure rights to due process at judicial trial. There remains an archaic yet valid provision in the U.S. Constitution prohibiting bills of attainder, which are legislative acts declaring individuals to be of criminal status or their acts or omissions to be deemed criminal simply and only by virtue of such legislative acts.

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Q: A law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trial is called a?
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What is a law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trial?

The qustion should be clarified to state that it is about a law that declares a person guilty of commiting a crime, as opposed to declaring an act illegal, althought they can be read the same way. This is called a Bill of Attainder. Article 1 of the Constitution sets forth the powers of the Congress. Section 9, Clause 3 of that Article says that No bill of attainder shall be passed.

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