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Q: A medieval form of architecture utilizing low arches and thick walls is?
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Church architecture which had round arches and thick walls and pillars?

Romanesque Architecture

What of these is not a feature of romanesque?

Pointed arches is not a feature of Romanesque architecture. Romanesque architecture is characterized by semi-circular arches, thick walls, and small windows. Pointed arches are a signature element of Gothic architecture.

What is Romanesque?

Romanesque is a style of architecture that flourished in Europe from the 11th to the 12th century. It is characterized by thick walls, round arches, and barrel vaults, evoking a sense of grandeur and solidity. Romanesque architecture often incorporated decorative elements such as sculpture, frescoes, and intricate ornamentation.

Style of architecture with thick sturdy columns?


Style of architecture with thick sturdy colunms?


What differences existed between Romanesque and Gothic churches?

Romanesque churches were characterized by thick walls, small windows, rounded arches, and a simplicity of design. In contrast, Gothic churches featured flying buttresses, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and large stained glass windows, creating a sense of verticality and lightness. Gothic architecture also allowed for taller and more spacious interiors.

What features characterized Romanesque church?

Romanesque churches were characterized by round arches, thick walls, small windows, and barrel vault ceilings. They often featured decorative sculpture, intricate carvings, and ornate portals. Overall, Romanesque architecture emphasized solidity, symmetry, and grandeur in its design.

What were the characteristics of romanesque?

Romanesque architecture was characterized by thick walls, rounded arches, barrel vaults, and decorative arcading. Buildings were often adorned with intricate carvings, sculptures, and ornamental inlays. Romanesque churches typically had a cruciform plan, with a central nave, transept, and apse.

What were medieval noble womens dresses made of?

very thick cloth

What parts the medieval castle defenses?

Murder holes, tall towers, arrow holes, and thick walls.

What did medieval towns and cities have to protect them?

Most medieval Towns were protected by a thick high wall surrounding the manor. Also the manors around them would also help in case of an attack.

Which word applicable to modern LAWS and Contracts were originally used for narrow window in thick medieval castle walls?

The slit windows or archers' windows of medieval castles were also called loopholes.