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This is a raw material (feedstock).

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Q: A mineral that contains a useful substance or element such as iron or aluminum is a(n)?
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What mineral come from aluminum?

Aluminium is an element and contains no minerals. It is, however, obtained from bauxite.

What is the mineral makeup of aluminum?

The overwhelming majority of aluminum on earth is mined from a mineral called Bauxite. Once the aluminum is smelted out, it is no longer a mineral - it is an element: Aluminum.

Is aluminum minerals?

Aluminum is an element, a metal, etc. Not a mineral

Is Mineral water pure substance or mixture?

No. A pure substance describes one that contains only one type of element/molecule. Mineral water is a mixture, since it contains many different types of minerals, next to water, and can therefore not be called a "pure" substance.

Is mineral water a pure water?

No. A pure substance describes one that contains only one type of element/molecule. Mineral water is a mixture, since it contains many different types of minerals, next to water, and can therefore not be called a "pure" substance.

Is chocolate milk an element or substance?

Chocolate milk is a mixture, and therefore not an element or a substance (technically). It contains a number of proteins, which are themselves mixtures of complex compounds, and its proteins and other mineral compounds are in a solution of water, another distinct compound or substance.

If a mineral contains more than one element it is called a?

If a mineral contains more than one element it is called a

What mineral is used to make most abundant element containers and deodorants?


What is the mineral group of sapphire?

Sapphire comes from the corundum mineral family, which is an aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Corundum consists of pure aluminum oxide, it also contains trace amounts of other elements such as iron, titanium and chromium.

Why is a silicate a silicate?

A silicate is a mineral which contains the element silica.

What mineral contains atoms of a single element?

For example graphite.

What mineral is a common hard mineral used in ceramics and glass and contains the element k?
