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The general name is a succulent or a cactus.

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June Douglas

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Q: A plant that stores water in its tissue is called what?
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What carries water to the leaves of the plant?

The vascular tissue called xylem carries water to the leaves of the plant.

What plant has stems that can store water?

Plants that store water in tissue are called succulent plants.

This tissue transports food and water to the plant?

Xylem Tissue

What transports water and nurtients through an plant?

There are two transport systems in a plant, one for food and one is for water. the transport tissue for food is called the phloem and for the water is called the xylem.

Are the vascular tissue that conducts water and nutrients in a plant is phloem?

Yes...........Phloem is the tissue that transports sugar from leaves to all parts of the plant by the process called Translocation.

What plant tissue carries water up the plant to the leaves?

The Xylem Tissue

In a plant what type of tissue is responsible for transporting water and nutrients?

there are connective tissues in plants which helps them to transport water and nutrients.xylem helps plants ,in transporting water and minerals . and phloem helps plants to transport food from one place to another.

A storage area in a plant is called a?

The Storage Area In A Plant Cell Is Called A Vacuole

What is the tissue containing vessels that transport water up the plant from roots to leaves called?

The tissue containing vessels that transport water up the plant from roots to leaves is called xylem. Xylem is responsible for the upward movement of water and minerals through the plant. It consists of specialized cells that form a continuous network of tubes.

What water is transported from a plant's roots to its leaves in a tissue is called?

Evaporation from the leaves is called transpiration.

What plant structure transports materials through the plant?

Xylem and Phloem vessels, Xylem transports water and Phloem transports the products of photosynthesis

What is the purpose of the xylem in the plant?

The xylem transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.