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Carbonate, CO32-

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Q: A polyatomic ion present in eggshells as well as in teeth?
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Is NH4NO3 Ammonium Nitrate a molecular or ionic substance?

It's an ionic substance. Well it's true that ionic substances are usually composed of a metal + a non-metal (or a polyatomic anion), but ionic substances can also be composed of a polyatomic cation + a non-metal (or a polyatomic anion). anion: negatively charged ion cation: positively charged ion

What are some benefits of fluoride in water?

The primary benefit, and the only one I know, is the reduction in cavities in teeth. The fluoride strengthens the teeth. I only drink my well water which does not have fluoride, so I must take extra care to brush my teeth.

What is the formula for the polyatomic ion BaSO4?

BaSO4 is polar because of the polar bonds between Barium and sulfur is polar so is the sulfur and oxygen bond. They do not cancel each other out which results in BaSO4 being Polar Hope this helps

How can you increase soils ability to hold water?

In order for soil to increase its ability to hold water it must have a higher amount of clay present in it. The more clay present in the soil, the more water it will hold. The opposite to this is how sandy or grainy the soil is, if it is too sandy then it will not hold water very well.

Monosodium phosphate restores enamel to human teeth?

You can also purchase MSP through The website has the best tooth soap ever which remineralizes your teeth while providing a lot of other useful supplements and information. Gerald F. Judd, PhD wrote a book, Good Teeth Birth to Death, which is well documented, and gives instructions for the use of monosodium phosphate to restore tooth enamel. This book can be ordered at (623)412-3955. His book also gives useful information on the best way to clean teeth, what substances are most harmful to teeth, dental procedures, etc. Simply take about 1/5 teaspoon (1 gram), dissolve it in 1 inch of water in less than a minute, then fill up the glass and drink it daily.

Related questions

How do you use eggshell to test effects of liquids on teeth?

Eggshells like teeth have a lot of calcium in them. If some substance erodes away an eggsheel, then it can have a bad effect on tooth enamel as well.

What are what are fertilizers and list the types of fertilizers in a table?

well i have to say if you put it in a list it will look like this: eggshells soda milk salt.......

What is anion cation and polyatomic ion?

Well, a polyatomic may contain a cation in it. A cation is a positively charged ion. They are usually metals. A good way to remember is: "cats" have "paws" because they are "pawsitive". Cheesy, right? Anyways, an example of a polyatomic that contains a cation is NH4+. You know that this polyatomic has a cation by the +1 superscript. This + sign signifies a positive ion, which is called a cation!

Is NH4NO3 Ammonium Nitrate a molecular or ionic substance?

It's an ionic substance. Well it's true that ionic substances are usually composed of a metal + a non-metal (or a polyatomic anion), but ionic substances can also be composed of a polyatomic cation + a non-metal (or a polyatomic anion). anion: negatively charged ion cation: positively charged ion

What are the uses of teeth with different shapes?

well the big teeth are for vegetables and the sharp teeth are for meat

Will a full set of adult teeth be less than 32?

YES it can very well be less than 32. Having less than 32 is not abnormal. SOME teeth can be missing congenitally. Others may be present but may not erupt into the mouth. Those are called impacted. Imapacted teeth may number one or more.YOU can still say that you have a full set of adult teeth .

Are flat teeth or sharp teeth better for tearing meat?

well go ahead and with your own teeth

Why are Taylors teeth well not teeth?

Taylors teeth may not be teeth if they had their teeth removed. Taylor may have implants or dentures. Implants and dentures do look exactly like real teeth do.

How many teeth are infants born with?

My twins were born with teeth and we were told that the odds (admittedly for one baby) is 1 in 4 million. As yet we have not found out if this is a genuine statistic but it is what we were told at the time.

How many teeth are in the tiger's jaw?

well at this point over 39 teeth

How did colonials brush their teeth?

well i don't know how they brushed their teeth

What does soda do to teeth?

well, soda rots the enamel of your teeth, causing cavities to be easier made. and it makes your teeth yellower.