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Prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission (splitting in two).

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12y ago

the bacteria is called binary fission .

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Q: A prokaryotic cell reproduces through a process called what?
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What reproduces through a process called fission?

Bacteria, amoeba, prokaryotes reproduce through an asexual process called "binary fission".

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Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called what?


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Meningitis is a bacteria which reproduces asexually using a process called mitosis.

Binary fission is a process through which?

When a Bacterium divides , it is binary fission .

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called?

binary fission

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through replication, if u have to be specific, its DNA replication

What is a cell called that has no nucleus?

Prokaryotic .

What method do prokaryotes use for cell reproduction?

Prokaryotic fission or binary fission is the process that prokaryotes use to reproduce. This means that they reproduce asexually instead of sexually.

When amoeba reproduces its nucleus and cytoplasm bith divide equally the best illustrates the reproduction process is called what?

Amoeba has asexual reproduction.The mode is called binary fission.

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Parthenogenic, the process is called parthenogenesis. when an egg develops by itself. Self fertilisation is asexual reproduction i think...?????