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The mass ratio of people to flies is 1000:1 and, since they are in the same room it may be safe to assume that the force of gravity remains the same so that the weight ratio is also 1000:1.

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8y ago

1 to 1 people to flies. 1 to 1000 fly weight to people weight. One to disgusting being in that room.

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Q: A small room has 70 kilograms of people and 70 grams of flies. What is the weight ratio of people to flies and what is the number ratio of people to flies?
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There are four interrelated elements of aircraft performance: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. While the number of people, per se, wouldn't affect the performance of an aircraft, the weight of those people would. --- Also, the position of those people would matter in terms of aircraft performance.

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Flies themselves don't kill people, but some flies may carry diseases that do.

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lift acts upward, and weight acts downward

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Should people eat flies?

no! flies are really not an ideal snack for people. and i wouldn't want a fly in my stomach

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Weight does, however I'm not sure what you mean by accuracy. Typically on a commercial aircraft, an aircraft with a MTOW (Maximum take-off weight) only flies half the distance of a zero payload, fully-fuelled aircraft of the same model. Consequentially, some flights limit the number of passengers or decrease the number of seats to increase the needed range, plus reserves if the pilot must make a go-around or divert.

Why do flies always land on people?

The reason that flies always land on people is because to a fly, a human is a food source. Flies eat dead skin, salt, oils, and anything else that they can.

How many people die by tse tse flies every year?

Tse tse flies kills 31 people every year.

What do people hit flies with?

with a fly swatter

Why are trouser flies called flies?

In the olden days people had tents and if you pulled the zip down on the tent the two separate parts will flap open and look like flies and from now on people call all zips flies coz of those tents :) ! ! !

Do house flies attract people?

No..Most don't like flies.