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Q: A woman with type AB blood has children with her husband who is type O. What percent of their children would you expect to have type AB blood?
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A woman with type O blood has children with her husband who is type AB. What percent of their children would you expect to have type O blood A woman with type O blood has children with her husband who?

0 %

A woman with type AB blood has children with her husband that is type Owhat percent of their children would you expect to have type AB blood?


A woman with type o blood has children with her husband who is type AB. what percent of their children would expect to have type o blood?

its zero

What if the husband in has Type a plus blood and the wife has O plus Blood what would the children have?

What if the husband has type A+ blood abd the wife has O+ Blood what would the children have

Can an O positive blood and an A positive blood have children?

Yes I am O+ and my husband is A+. We have a healthy, happy 8 year old daughter who has his blood type.

Blood group o positive you want to marry a boy who have b negative blood group is it possible to have a healthy children?

I am not a doctor but my blood is positive and my husband is negative and we have 2 very healthy children

Is it dangerous when you share the same blood group with your husband?

No, there is no danger in marrying someone with the same blood type. There are no special risks to your children.

If the father has blood type O and Mother has blood type A what will children be?

What is the Rh factor? My Husband is O- and I'm A+ we have an O+ Daughter

Can a husband donate blood to his wife after they have had children together?

Yes, the fact there is children has no baring on giving blood. The only thing that is important is blood type and if your blood type is compatible with your wives. A woman's blood doesn't change because she has given birth.

My husband and I have o positive blood types is it possible for our children to have b negative blood types?

If you both have O+ blood then your offspring could only be O+.

What do you call your husband's brother's children?

Children of your siblings are nieces and nephews. Children of your spouse's siblings are still called nieces and nephews, but you are not related to them by blood.

What happens if husband has B plus blood group and wife has B plus blood group?

In nearly all cases any offspring of two parents with the same blood type will have the same blood type, so if both husband and wife have B+ blood, their children will too.