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lundi - lu.

mardi - Ma.

mercredi - Me.

jeudi - jeu.

vendredi - vend.

samedi - sam.

dimanche - dim.

Although this is (in my opinion) the commonest abbreviations, you may find other writings (L Ma Me J V S D / lun mar mer jeu ven sam dim / ...)

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Q: Abbreviated Days of the week French translations?
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What is a short name for Saturday?

The translation of "Saturday" in French is "samedi". It is abbreviated as "sam". The days of the week and months in French are not capitalized.

How many days in a week do french children go to school?

Six days a week

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Huit jours = one week= eight days. (The French count funny)

How do you spell thuresday?

The days of the week in English are spelled: Monday abbreviated Mon. Tuesday abbreviated Tues. Wednesday abbreviated Weds. Thursday abbreviated Thurs. Friday abbreviated Fri. Saturday abbreviated Sat. Sunday You can find these on the headers of most large sized calendars.

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four days

What day of the week can be abbreviated as 'thu'?

The day of the week which can be abbreviated as "Thu" is Thursday. Typically, it is abbreviated as "Thurs". It may also be recognized as "T", not to be confused with the "T" for Tuesday.

What is the abbreviation for Monday?

its mon. wow thanks for the best question ever. u rock lol :) lol

Are the months capitalized in french?

No, nationalities, religions, days of the week, or months are not capitalized in French.

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April in French is 'avril'. The names of the months and days of the week are not capitolized in French.

How is June spelled in French?

juin, I think. I mainly forgot my french months and days of the week

How do you spell the names of the days of the months in french?

The days of the week are Monday: lundi Tuesday: mardi Wednesday: mercredi Thursday: jeudi Friday: vendredi Saturday: samedi Sunday: dimanche Remember, the French don't capitalize the months or days of the week, and the week starts on Monday. Hope this helped.

Do the French use capitals in the days of the week?

The days of the week are common nouns in French. They are not capitalized and they take an "s" as their plural mark (je vais à l'école tous les lundis).