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Q: About how long does it take for blood to make a complete trip through your body?
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How long does its take the blood to complete the circuit of your body?

5 to 4 hours

How long does it take for a heart to circulate blood through a body?


How long does it take to punp a quart of blood?

It takes the average heart about twelve seconds to pump a quart of blood through the body.

How long does it take for the blood to flow through the body?

For an adult it takes the average of 1:02.34 minutes.

How long does blood take to circulate through the human body 1 or 5 minutes?

about one minute

How long does it take the blood stream to transport alcohol through the body?

Quickly under 2 minutes

How long does it take all the body's blood to go through the kidney?

At any given time, about 1/4 of the body's blood is in the kidneys being cleansed. All of the blood in the body is cleansed by the kidneys approximately every 50 minutes.

How long are you dead when your body turns black?

Your body starts changing colors after a couple of hours after death. The blood settles because there is nothing pumping it through your body.

How long does the blood travels?

The blood travels from the heart, all through the body and then back to the heart again. This whole process only takes a matter of minutes.

How long does it take for blood to travel through your body?

It takes a few minutes depending on your level of exercise and condition of your heart.

How long does the blood circulate to the body?

The average time for blood to make one circuit through the major arteries and veins in the human body is about one minute.

What function is preformed by the right side of the heart?

In short: receive low oxygen blood and send it to the lungsIn long: The right Atrium receives blood returning from the body through the Superior Vena Cava, which come from the upper body, and the Inferior Vena Cava, which comes from the lower body. The blood travels from the right atrium into the right ventricle which sends blood to the lungs through the Pulmonary artery.