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88 (Earth) days.

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Q: About how long is a year on the planet mecury?
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What is mecury's nickname?

The Swift Planet.

What is unique about Mecury?

its the first planet

Is there any life forms on Mecury?

No It is classed as a dead planet

What planet in the solar system is the sun gravity the strongest?


Which planet in our solar system is cloest to the sun?

it's mecury

How many days are in mecury's year?

The planet Mercury completes one orbital revolution around the sun in 88 earth days.

Which is the nearest planet to Venus?

the closest planets to venus are earth and mecury

Which planet would take you 5 minutes to travel to in light years?

Mecury :)

What planet has an atmosphere that is so thin that it is barely detectable?

Mercury's atmosphere is so thin that it is barely detectable.

Is Venus the second closest planet from the sun?

Yes it is. Mecury is the closest, followed by Venus and then the Earth.

What planet has a year 248 earth years long?

The dwarf planet Pluto is the planet with a year 248 earth years long.

What planet has a year 280 earth years long?

The dwarf planet Haumea is the planet with a year 280 earth years long.