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Q: According to this food web which is the most accurate food chain?
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Related questions

What are the advantages of a food chain?

A food web is more accurate than a food chain. Animals eat different things, and are eaten by different things, a web will show all or most of its predators and prey, whereas a food chain will only show one predator and one prey.

What do you call a food chain when it goes backwards?

most of the time it wont, but the answer is a Kink in the food chain, slang is a clank in the food chain.

Where is the lemur on a food chain?

The lemur on a food chain is in the middle, not the most specific answer though. Sorry.

Where are most of the organisms on the food chain?

i do not no...

What is a triangular representation of a food chain?

A food pyramid is the most common diagram that displays a food chain in a triangular fashion.

An own in the food chain most closely represent what other species?

An owl in the food chain represents?

The most accurate description of grains?

Grassy plants cultivated for food is the most accurate description of grains.

In a food pyramid where are most of the toxins found?

The top of the food chain. As organisms consume other organisms, the toxins are all passed up in the food chain. Therefore, the top of the food chain will have the highest concentration of toxins.

Is a ecosystem or herbivores or nutrients and minerals most important in a food chain?

Yes they r all important in a food chain

Who do sharks help the most?

The ocean food chain

What is the most Important level in a food chain?


Does a food chain contain carnivores?

Yes it does in most