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The British were reluctant to engage in full-scale war against the American colonies because they wanted to be able to use colonial resources and regain colonial support after the ending of the war.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Colonies would gain two advantages:

1) Representative government - original colonists had no one representing their interests in the legislature.

2) Taxes would not go to be spent overseas, but rather spent in the area of the former colony and so contribute to economic activity "at home".

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13y ago

Patriots were fighting a defensive war against Great Britain. The Patriots knew the geography of America better than the British did. The Patriots didn't need to ship soldiers and supplies across the Atlantic Ocean like the British did. The Patriots used Guerrilla Warfare tactics to exhaust the British Troops of their supplies. The British were not used to this style of fighting and were caught off guard. By the way, Guerrilla Warfare was the act of catching your enemies by surprise, fighting for a short period of time, and retreating right afterward.

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15y ago

The benefits are that the colonies got to make their own government

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=One advantage the Colonies had were they had a good leader, George Washington.=

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13y ago

I think they were trying to get rid of "taxation without representation", but I guess that didn't happen.

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14y ago

They fought on their own land.

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Q: What were the patriots' advantages in the war?
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What advantages did the patriots have in the revolutionary war?

They knew the land and had home advantage.

What were the some advantages the patriots had in the revolutionary war?

The Patriots know the land and have a cause for fighting (ANGER WITH TAXES AND OTHER THINGS).

In the war against britain what advantages and disadvantages did the American patriots have?

The British had more money and more supplies than the Patriots.

What advantages did the patriots have during the revolutionary war?

- Advantage of fighting at home; - Popular support.

One of the patriots' greatest advantages in the war was that?

highly disciplined army, determination,highly qualified generals, and support from the Iroquois

What advantages did the southern patriots have over the british patriots?

they used guerrilla warfare

What were the Patriots' advanteges in the war?

The Americans had many advantages. Many of the patriots owned rifles and had good shots. We had a brilliant leader, George Washington. They also knew the land much better then the British.

What are some advantages the british had over the patriots in the revolutionary war?

fighting on own land, fighting because they wanted to not getting paid

What advantages did the patriots have in the war?

Some of the advantages the Patriots had during the Revolutionary War included their rigorous belief in independence from Britain. It was their drive. With that they felt an overwhelming need to defend their home and their families. They had the upper hand when it came to the lay of the land; They knew the forests, the trials, hills, and coastlines. Having 13 colonies made it harder for the British to gain control.

What were two advantages that the colonists had over the British during the revolutionary war?

Two advantages the British had over the patriots were the British had a Navy and the Patriots didn't and the British had a well trained and more experienced army than the Patriots.

What was one of the patriots' advantages in the revolutionary war?

They fought differently than the British. When the British used military tactics, such as firing lines. The Patriots used Gorilla style tactics. This included hiding and waiting for British troops to pass by. Also the Patriots went after the British Officers, not just the troops. The British mostly just went for the Patriots troops.

When was the war between patriots versus the loyalists?

The patriots and loyalists technically fought during the Revolutionary war. Although the war was mostly patriots vs Britain, the loyalists and patriots fought. One example Is Kings Mountain.