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Q: African Americans dialect that blended English with Yoruba ibo and hausa?
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What was the African American dialect that blended English with Yoruba Ibo and Hausa?

Gullah - Atherton Rebel

African american dialect that blended english?

In West Africa, a dialect named "pidgin" emerged. Pidgin is a combination of local language structures and English. It is sometimes referred to as "broken English."

What does the british dialect lorry mean in English dialect?

Lorry is a very common word used all over Britain in every dialect. It means what Americans call a 'truck'.

Was a new dialect that combined English and African words in an African grammatical structure was developed by slaves in the lowlands of South Carolina?


What was a new dialect that combined English and African words in an African grammatical structure was developed by slaves in the lowlands of South Carolina?


Do afro brazilians speak with a dialect?

No. There isn't a separate sub-culture there, like there is for many African Americans in the U.S.A.

What is jamaican creole?

It is a combination of African and English

Can you be bilingual in standard English and African American Vernacular English?

No, African American Vernacular English is a dialect of English. You can be fluent in both "standard" English and AAVE, but to be bilingual you must be able to speak two languages, not two dialects of the same language.

What dialect is british English?

British English is not a single dialect.

What dialect is spoken by Celie in the Color Purple?

African American, also known as Black English or Black Idiom

Why do Americans say soccer not football because football is the proper word?

In the American dialect of the English language "football" is one sport, "soccer" is another. In the British dialect of the English language, the sport the Americans call "soccer" is called "football" they do not play much American Football in Britain.

What are the names of the different types of English?

The word for different versions of a language is "dialect". There are several dialects of english, such as French, Indian, and American. Within America there are numerous dialects of American English, such as the Appalachian dialect, the African American Vernacular, and pigeon tongues such as French Creole.