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take over control of the slaves

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Q: Aggressive dutch traders were able to?
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Related questions

Why did most of the dutch who ventured overseas become traders?

most of the dutch who first ventured to new netherland were fur traders

How did Dutch traders bring tea to Europe?

They brought it by boat.

When and how did tea first make make its way to European countries?

Dutch traders first brought tea to Europe in 1612.

Even in Japan where a firm isolationist policy was launched after 1600 Dutch traders secured special access to the port of what?

After 1600 C.E. Dutch traders secured special access to the port of NAGASAKI.

When did the dutch called Australia New Holland?

From the 1600s, the Dutch traders named the western half of the Australia "New Holland".

Did the Iroqoius and the Dutch get along?

Perhaps not as well as the Dutch and the Delaware and certainly not as well as they did with the French trappers and traders to the north, but hostilities were rare.

What is the nationality of the original European settlers of what you today call New York City?

They were the Dutch Traders of Dutch West India Company from the Netherlands.

What did french English and dutch fur traders have in common?

they all worked closely with americans

Where there black slave traders?

If you are referring to the American slave trade, the slave traders were mostly Dutch (Caucasian) but there were also black slave traders and slave owners. The most notable of them was a Virginian by the name of Anthony Johnson.

What jobs did the dutch colonists have in New York?

traders,merchants, farmers,brewers,sailors,innkeepers

How did tea first make its way to European countries?

dutch traders brought it over in 1612

When was manhatan founded?

Formally New netherland, Manhattan was founded in1624 by dutch fur traders.