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All the elemental gases except for the noble gases come in molecules that are unstable. The noble gases are all stable, they have the maximum number of valence electrons that their outer shell can hold.

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Q: All the elemental gases except for the Noble Gases come in what kind of special molecules?
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How do noble gases exist in nature?

Noble gasses exist in elemental form as individual atoms rather than molecules.

What elemental group does neon belong to?

Neon is a member of the noble gases, also called the inert gases.

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What do you know about gases molecules?

Molecules of a gas are in permanent motion.

What are some properties of non metal?

Non-metals are basically defined as elements that are not metals.Their physical properties generally include:They are poor conductors.They are brittle, not ductile in their solid state.They show no metallic luster.They may be transparent or translucent.They have low density.They are gases, liquids, or solids.They form molecules which consists of atoms covalently bonded; the nobel gases are monoatomic.Their chemical properties are generally:They usually have four to eight valence electrons.They have high electron affinities. (except noble gases)They are good oxidizing agents. (except noble gases)They have hydroxides which are acidic. (except noble gases)They are electronegative.

What are gases in nature are molecules?

All gasses that are not noble gases (well xenon and heaviei forms some interesting "patterns", if not truly molecules), or plasmas, are molecular gases.

Why are nobles gases special?

Noble Gases have an 'octet' which is a completely filled outer energy level with 8 electrons, except for Helium which has 2 valence electrons. This makes these gases in group 18 very stable.

Is gas polar?

Some gases have polar molecules as HCl, HBr, SO2, but not all gases have polar molecules.

How do you explain the of gases?

Gases are substances with very weak bonds between molecules.

What observations about gases proved that molecules move?

The observation about gases that proved molecules can move is their compressibility. This is further corroborated by the Brownian Motion theory.

Diffusion between two gases occurs most rapidly if the gases are at?

high temperature and the molecules are small