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Q: All the possible alternatives that are rejected when a choice is made?
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dilemma noun a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives.

Will firebreather be made into a series?

No. The 2 hour movie was intended to be the introduction to a possible series but the pilot was rejected.

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A situation involving clocks in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, usually equally undesirable ones.

When a choice is made what s the consequence of choice that is the alternative forgone?

making choices means sacrificing some alternatives.what i think about the alternatives forgone is the advantages of the second best altenative,time and the demerits of what is chosen.

What is the difference between 'what' and 'which' in English?

'What' is used to ask a general question and indicates that there are a number of possible answers, e.g. What is your name? What music do you like?'Which' is used to ask for a choice to be made from a definite range of alternatives, e.g. Which of Mariah Carey's songs do you like best? Tea or coffee, which would you prefer?

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Down alternatives are made with the material brushed microfiber. Brushed microfiber is a very common and reliable material used when making down alternatives.

Are you random?

In a way, Yes. I am Random. Not as random as Random could be though. I made a choice in order to get Internet. I made a choice in order to start answering questions here on this site. I even made a choice when it comes to answering this particular question. So... from my point of view, No, I am not Random. Still.. You could possibly count on somebody to give you an answer. You would have no possible way of knowing who that would be. To you, Yes, I am a Random Person. Even Random choices makes possible possibilities a possible possibility even if it seems possibly impossible to be possibly possible...

What alternatives to gastrostomy are there?

There are no alternatives to a gastrostomy because the decision to perform it is made when a person is unable to take in enough calories to meet the demands of his or her body.

Why was the Albany union rejected?

because the different characteristics of the colonies made cooperation difficult. The congress took his plan but the delegates rejected it.

What made Samuel agree to the peoples demand?

The Lord tells him to agree. The Lord says: " it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king." (1 Samuel 8)

Why dobereiners triad was rejected?

Dobereiner's triads were not applicable to all set of elements. The triad could be made only for few elements. So they were rejected.

What is the meaning of election?

The act of choosing; choice; selection., The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot, uplifted hands, or viva voce; as, the election of a president or a mayor., Power of choosing; free will; liberty to choose or act., Discriminating choice; discernment., Divine choice; predestination of individuals as objects of mercy and salvation; -- one of the "five points" of Calvinism., The choice, made by a party, of two alternatives, by taking one of which, the chooser is excluded from the other., Those who are elected.