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Q: Alternate Wordings for 'What is chemical change and physical change and give its examples?
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What are Physical and chemical examples?

well the chemical reaction is cooking not physical

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What are non examples for physical weathering

How is a chemical diffrent from a physical change?

Chemical Changes the substance and physical really dont change it as much examples of chemical: burning wood, physical: painting it Physical is basically changing color, looks,

What are examples of chemical and physical change?

melting any metal is physical. rusting iron is chemical

What two examples is the physical change and chemical change of milk?

Physical change - make it frozen ; Chemical change - make it spoiled

Is ductility a physical or a chemical change?

Being ductile, malleable, freezing, melting are some examples of physical changes of a substance. Physical changes do not form a new substance while chemical changes do. Examples of chemical changes are a rusting nail and combustion.

Two examples of chemical and physical weathering?

Chemical weathering; Acid Rain. Physical; Torndo's Typhoon's Hurricane's etc. Hope this helped.

Is tin a physical property or a chemical?

Examples: valence (II or IV), soluble in acids and alkalis.

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give examples of physical and chemical change

What are the examlpes of chemical change and physical change?

Examples of chemical changes: * Burning of paper * Rusting of iron Examples of physical reactions: * Melting of ice * Melting of wax

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