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No. ICE is the solid form of WATER. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and it becomes ice. The cube is just the shape of it, it's not important chemically.

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Q: Can an ice cube dissolve in water?
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Related questions

Why will an ice cube dissolve in a glass of water?

An ice cube will dissolve in water because the water is warmer than the ice.

Does an ice cube in salt water dissolve slower than normal water?

yes it does desolves quickly

What makes ice dissolve in Coca-Cola?

Ice doesn't dissolve it melts. If the coca cola has a higher temperature than the ice cube then the heat will conduct into the ice warming it until it is higher than 0 degrees Celsius when it will melt into water.

How does an ice cube melt in water?

The water raises the temperature of the ice cube

If an ice cube is placed into hot water what will happen to the water and the ice cube?

The ice melts and the water gets cooler.

Can a sugar cube dissolve in water?


What happens to the particles that make up an ice cube when melted?

An ice cube is just frozen water. When an ice cube melts it becomes water. Eventually, the water will evaporate.

What would melt faster a normal ice cube or a sea water ice cube?

A sea water ice cube -- Because the melting point of sea water is lower than that of normal water.

What takes up more space an ice cube or the water?

ice cube

Will flour water or salt water melt an ice cube faster?

Salt water will melt an ice cube faster.

What takes longer to dissolve in water a salt cube or powdered salt?

A salt cube

Does an ice cube melt faster in soapy or salt water?

An ice cube melts faster in salt water.