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Noah forgot no animal, but there is a legend that the unicorn was forgotten.

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Q: Animal Noah forgot to put on Ark?
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What animals did god tell noah to put on the ark?

2 of every unclean animal that had breath in its nostrils and 7 of every clean animal.

Did unicorns once live before Noah and the Ark?

Well, Ido belive unicorns died during Noah and the Ark. I'm pretty sure Noah did not put the unicorns on the Ark because he did not beleive they were true creatures. PEACE LOVE UNICORNS! :0

What were the instructions given Noah as God prepared to flood the earth due to sin?

gather two of every kind of animal, build an ark to put them, and your family in

What was kept in the ark in the Bible?

Two of every animal, according to the Bible, were put into the Ark in preparation for the coming flood.

What would Noah have called his boat if he had put grandfathers on it instead of animals?

uhhh noahs ark?? the name has nothing to do with animals it was a term referring to boats...

Why god distroyed the world with water?

According to the Bible, God believed the people on Earth were becoming evil and sinning to much. So He called Noah, one that was good, and told him to build an ark and put two animal of every species and his family on the ark. Then He washed the Earth clean of everyone with a great flood, but He promised to never to do it again and the rainbow is the symbol of His promise.

What did moses bring with him on the ark?

Moses placed the Book of the Law on the side of the Ark of Covenant which stood as a witness against the children of Israel as stated in Deuteronomy 31:26

Why did Noah put only two of each animal on the ark and how did he keep them from mating?

Because God told him to put two of every 'unclean' beast but sevens of all the beasts considered 'clean'. Also the birds were represented in sevens. As for the mating we aren't told but there's no reason why they wouldn't have. Two Genesis 6:19 Of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark. Genesis 7:8, 9, 15 Of clean beast and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowl ... there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God commanded Noah. This verse, God commanded Noah to take both clean and unclean animals in pairs. Seven Genesis 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female. Note; Seven is an odd number and cannot be a pair. There will one odd animal left behind with no pair. More than likely these were used for sacrifice after the ark landed on dry ground, as at this point mankind had not been given permission to eat meat.

What was Noah's ark and flood all about?

After Adam and Eve sinned, evil came into the world and grew and grew until one day God realized that they only person who was loyal to him was Noah and his family. Everyone else was evil and corrupt. So God commanded Noah to build an ark on dry land, and all his neighbors laughed at him because he had built a giant boat with no way of getting it to the water. Even though he was mocked Noah continued to build. Then God commanded Noah to get a pair of each animal from every corner of the earth, one male and one female into the boat. So Noah opened up the great doors of the ark and each animal filed one by one into the boat. Then Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives boarded the boat and sealed the doors. Then God sent a mighty storm and it rained for forty days and forty nights, flooding the entire surface of the earth so that anyone who was not on the boat perished. After the 40th day and night, it stopped raining and Noah sent out a dove to look for land, but the dove flew back to the boat. The next day he sent the dove out once more and it returned with an olive beak clutched in its beak. The earth dried up and Noah and his family opened the doors of the ark and released the animals. Then God put a rainbow in the sky and promised that he would never destroy the earth again with a flood, and that every time a rainbow appeared in the sky, God would remember his promise.

How did the animals get to the ark?

God put where to go in there minds and they went to the ark and knew what to do

What is the difference between a boat and an ark?

An ARK (Heb: tevah′) is a rectangular CHESTLIKE vessel with a flat bottom. In the case of Noah's Ark, it needed only to float, stay balanced, and store alot of cargo.(Genesis 6:14-16) Other examples of this in the Bible are: The Ark (or CHEST) used by Moses' mother when she put him in the Nile River (Exodus 2:2-4), and The Ark of the Covenant, which was a sacred CHEST holding the stone tablets, a jar of manna and Aaron's branch (Exodus 25:10, 11)(Hebrews 9:4)A BOAT generally has sharp bow to cut through the water and some form of steering to direct it's course, power source to move it and deck area, none of which was needed on Noah's Ark.

What is the theological of biblical flood story?

The Bible states that God was not happy with the world he had created. Every man and woman was being wicked, and God only saw Noah that followed righteousness. He told Noah to build an ark, giving exact dimensions and type of wood. This took 120 years, but remember they lived much longer back then. Then Noah took two or seven of each animal, and put them in the ark. Apparently God simply sent the animals to him, for it is not noted how Noah came by every type of living creature. He did not take sea creatures, for those would live. Then rain came for forty days and nights, and flooded the entire earth. Even the mountains were covered. Then it took a hundred more days and nights until the earth soaked up the water.